Guías Docentes Electrónicas
1. General information
ECTS credits:
Academic year:
27  28  21 
Main language:
Second language:
Use of additional languages:
English Friendly:
Web site:
Lecturer: DAVID RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ - Group(s): 21  27  28 
Phone number
Office hours
Facultad de Letras. Despacho 306

2. Pre-Requisites

It is essential to continue in this subject with the aim of acquiring and consolidating the terminology of the discipline of History and Archeology.

· In this sense insists on the control of terms and concepts of Archeology and History
- to avoid anachronism in the analysis of social and political history
- to integrate and assemble historical processes into a future built by men and women, discerning social structures, power relations and economic changes, as well as the role of the individual in history.
- Connect the past with the present as a formula for historical understanding
· It will also be insisted, it will never be assumed, that students must learn in this subject
- the mastery of written and oral expression techniques, above all should have the ability to develop critical reviews of the proposed texts, as well as bibliography and sources.

3. Justification in the curriculum, relation to other subjects and to the profession

The subject develops the contents of the subject PROTOHISTORIA within the compulsory training in thematic and diachronic contents.
It has professionalizing character Yes x
· In the Degree Program of History is a compulsory subject, essential to acquire the appropriate thematic and diachronic knowledge that supports the curriculum of this Degree.
· It is integrated into the core of compulsory subjects that provide students with the set of knowledge necessary to interpret and analyze history in its various stages to reach the present society, the Spanish and global
· It is part of the knowledge of the social, political, economic and cultural evolution of societies, in this case, of Spanish society.
· Professionally it is also a necessary subject to prepare the access to Secondary Teachers, as well as to opt for the diverse oppositions existing in the bodies of Museums, Historical Heritage Technicians, Archaeologists, Cultural Agents, etc.
· The contents of this program are coordinated with those taught in the 1st course on Archeology and Universal Prehistory, in the 2nd course on Peninsular Prehistory and in 3rd on Protohistory of the Iberian Peninsula.

4. Degree competences achieved in this course
Course competences
Code Description
B02 Apply the knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner, as well as possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of ¿¿study.
B03 Collect and interpret data in the historical discipline to make judgments that include a reflection on social, scientific and ethical issues.
B04 Transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a specialized and non-specialized public.
B05 Develop those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy
E01 Detailed knowledge of each of the specific periods of the past of human societies and of the phases of transition and change between some stages and others
E02 Know the historical sources, both archaeological and documentary and the new resources and information support for the history
E03 Know the information resources both the bibliographic catalogs, as well as the inventories of archives and audiovisual and computer bases
E05 Knowledge of the national history itself in its European and world contexts
E06 Knowledge of the national history itself in its European and world contexts
E07 Knowledge of European history with a comparative perspective and in the global context of each era
E22 Ability to read historiographic texts or original documents, as well as to transcribe, summarize and catalog information in a relevant way
E23 Ability to use information resources (bibliographies, file inventories and audiovisual and computer databases)
E25 Ability to analyze, understand and interpret the archaeological record in the different historical stages
E30 Ability to correctly comment texts and documents in accordance with the critical canons of the discipline
E31 Ability to interpret the artistic images of the different periods of history
E39 Awareness of social change as a characteristic common to all societies in the different stages of history
G02 Knowledge of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). (Common for all UCLM degrees)
G03 Proper oral and written communication (Common for all UCLM degrees)
G04 Ethical commitment and professional deontology (Common for all UCLM degrees)
T01 Capacity for analysis, synthesis, organization and planning
T04 Team work and coordination of activities
T07 Critical thinking
T10 Knowledge of other cultures and customs, appreciation of diversity and commitment to gender equality
5. Objectives or Learning Outcomes
Course learning outcomes
Introduce and familiarize with the problem of the formation and production of the archaeological record as the main source for the construction, understanding and interpretation of historical scenarios in the reference period.
To approach and present the history of the thought and practice of the natural and human sciences through the evolution of Prehistory understood as a discipline that addresses the study and explanation of the first history of humanity.
Discuss and explain the notions of universality and cultural diversity through the historical analysis of the process of humanization and the origin of modern humanity.
Know and analyze the evolution of peninsular history with the general history, and conversely, know and analyze the social processes that define each stage of history with the developments that have taken place in the Iberian Peninsula from prehistory to the present.
Know and analyze the social and cultural plurality of every historical period to interpret, consequently, the different technological developments.
Know and analyze the various historical stages from prehistory to contemporary times, focusing on social organizations and their cultural manifestations in order to contextualize the subsequent training in history and related subjects offered by the Degree.
Relate the social changes developed in each stage of prehistory with the cultural and technological changes.
Identify the different periods of Prehistory from the material items.
Identify and describe the material elements of the different prehistoric periods.
Additional outcomes
6. Units / Contents
  • Unit 2: Topic 2 THE BRONZE AGE IN EUROPE
  • Unit 4:
  • Unit 5:
  • Unit 6:
  • Unit 7:
  • Unit 8:
7. Activities, Units/Modules and Methodology
Training Activity Methodology Related Competences (only degrees before RD 822/2021) ECTS Hours As Com Description
Writing of reports or projects [OFF-SITE] Self-study B02 B03 B04 B05 E01 E02 E03 E05 E06 E07 E22 E23 E25 E30 E31 E39 G02 G03 G04 T01 T04 T07 T10 1.52 38 Y N
Study and Exam Preparation [OFF-SITE] Self-study B02 B03 B04 B05 E01 E02 E03 E05 E06 E07 E22 E23 E25 E30 E31 E39 G02 G03 G04 T01 T04 T07 T10 2.08 52 Y N
Class Attendance (theory) [ON-SITE] Lectures B02 B03 B04 B05 E01 E02 E03 E05 E06 E07 E22 E23 E25 E30 E31 E39 G02 G03 G04 T01 T04 T07 T10 1.76 44 Y N
Class Attendance (practical) [ON-SITE] Lectures B02 B03 B04 B05 E01 E02 E03 E05 E06 E07 E22 E23 E25 E30 E31 E39 G02 G03 G04 T01 T04 T07 T10 0.4 10 Y Y
Project or Topic Presentations [ON-SITE] Cooperative / Collaborative Learning B02 B03 B04 B05 E01 E02 E03 E05 E06 E07 E22 E23 E25 E30 E31 E39 G02 G03 G04 T01 T04 T07 T10 0.12 3 Y Y
Final test [ON-SITE] Assessment tests B02 B03 B04 B05 E01 E02 E03 E05 E06 E07 E22 E23 E25 E30 E31 E39 G02 G03 G04 T01 T04 T07 T10 0.12 3 Y N
Total: 6 150
Total credits of in-class work: 2.4 Total class time hours: 60
Total credits of out of class work: 3.6 Total hours of out of class work: 90

As: Assessable training activity
Com: Training activity of compulsory overcoming (It will be essential to overcome both continuous and non-continuous assessment).

8. Evaluation criteria and Grading System
Evaluation System Continuous assessment Non-continuous evaluation * Description
Practical exam 20.00% 20.00% Written work on a topic proposed by the teacher
Final test 70.00% 80.00%
Practical exam 10.00% 0.00%
Total: 100.00% 100.00%  
According to art. 4 of the UCLM Student Evaluation Regulations, it must be provided to students who cannot regularly attend face-to-face training activities the passing of the subject, having the right (art. 12.2) to be globally graded, in 2 annual calls per subject , an ordinary and an extraordinary one (evaluating 100% of the competences).

Evaluation criteria for the final exam:
  • Continuous assessment:
    Students who obtain a grade higher than 5 can improve their final grade with the voluntary reading of recommended books, of which they must conduct an interview with the teacher.
  • Non-continuous evaluation:
    Evaluation criteria not defined

Specifications for the resit/retake exam:
Specifications for the second resit / retake exam:
9. Assignments, course calendar and important dates
Not related to the syllabus/contents
Hours hours

Activities Hours
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 3
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 3
Class Attendance (practical) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 1
Group 21:
Initial date: 30-01-2023 End date: 02-02-2023

Unit 2 (de 8): Topic 2 THE BRONZE AGE IN EUROPE
Activities Hours
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 3
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 2
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 5
Class Attendance (practical) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 1
Group 21:
Initial date: 06-02-2023 End date: 16-02-2023

Unit 3 (de 8): IRON AGE IN EUROPE
Activities Hours
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 3
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 2
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 5
Class Attendance (practical) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 1
Group 21:
Initial date: 20-02-2023 End date: 02-03-2023

Unit 4 (de 8):
Activities Hours
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 3
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 2
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 7
Class Attendance (practical) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 1
Group 21:
Initial date: 06-03-2023 End date: 16-03-2023

Unit 5 (de 8):
Activities Hours
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 8
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 12
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 4
Class Attendance (practical) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 2
Group 21:
Initial date: 20-03-2023 End date: 30-03-2023

Unit 6 (de 8):
Activities Hours
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 10
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 12
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 6
Class Attendance (practical) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 2
Group 21:
Initial date: 03-04-2023 End date: 20-04-2023

Unit 7 (de 8):
Activities Hours
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 8
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 10
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 7
Class Attendance (practical) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 1
Group 21:
Initial date: 24-04-2023 End date: 04-05-2023

Unit 8 (de 8):
Activities Hours
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 12
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 7
Class Attendance (practical) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 1
Project or Topic Presentations [PRESENCIAL][Cooperative / Collaborative Learning] 3
Final test [PRESENCIAL][Assessment tests] 3
Group 21:
Initial date: 08-05-2023 End date: 18-05-2023

Global activity
Activities hours
10. Bibliography and Sources
Author(s) Title Book/Journal Citv Publishing house ISBN Year Description Link Catálogo biblioteca
Aubet Semmler, María Eugenia Tiro y las colonias fenicias de Occidente Ediciones Bellaterra 978-84-7290-448-4 2009 Ficha de la biblioteca
BINTLIFF, J., ¿Iron Age Europe in the context of social evolution from the Bronze Age through to historic times Universidad de Bradford 978-0901945525 1984  
Boardman, John Los griegos en ultramar : comercio y expansión colonial ant Alianza Editorial 84-206-6718-8 1999 Ficha de la biblioteca
Chadwick, John El mundo micénico Alianza 84-206-7920-8 1998 Ficha de la biblioteca
Cline, E.H. 1177 a.C. El año en que la civilización se derrumbó Barcelona Crítica 978-84-9892-971-3 2016  
Collis, John La Edad del Hierro en Europa Labor 84-335-6199-5 1989 Ficha de la biblioteca
Finley, Moses I. La Grecia primitiva, Edad del Bronce y Era Arcaica Crítica 84-7423-219-8 1987 Ficha de la biblioteca
Kristiansen, Kristian Europa antes de la historia : los fundamentos prehistóricos Ediciones Península 84-8307-367-6 2001 Ficha de la biblioteca
Renfrew, Colin Arqueología y lenguaje : la cuestión de los orígenes indoeur Crítica 84-7423-467-0 1990 Ficha de la biblioteca
Vermeule, Emily Grecia en la Edad del Bronce Fondo de Cultura Económica 968-16-337-7 1996 Ficha de la biblioteca
Wells, Peter S. Granjas, aldeas y ciudades : comercio y orígenes del urbanis Labor 84-335-6221-5 1988 Ficha de la biblioteca

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