Guías Docentes Electrónicas
1. General information
ECTS credits:
Academic year:
17  18  19  15 
First semester
Main language:
Second language:
Use of additional languages:
English Friendly:
Web site:
Phone number
Office hours
The information about timing and place of the meetings is included in Virtual Campus and on the Notice Board of the Department.

Lecturer: BEATRIZ MORENO RUIZ - Group(s): 19 
Phone number
Office hours
Facultad de Educación, Albacete
The information about timing and place of the meetings is included in Virtual Campus and on the Notice Board of the Department.

Lecturer: RAFAEL MORON GASPAR - Group(s): 17 
Phone number
Office hours
Facultad de Educación

Lecturer: JORGE JAVIER RICARTE TRIVES - Group(s): 18 
Phone number
Office hours
Faculta Educación AB/Primera Planta
The information about timing and place of the meetings is included in Virtual Campus and on the Notice Board of the Department.

2. Pre-Requisites

No previous pre-requisites

3. Justification in the curriculum, relation to other subjects and to the profession

Learning and Developmental Disorders is a basic course unit in accordance with the guidelines established for building the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) to train students in the knowledge, understanding and management of the main developmental and learning problems of their future pupils, allowing them to perform a qualified professional work in which diversity and individuality are both contemplated, at the same time.

Other competencies developed through this subject are:

·      To provide future teachers with the skills to support the most appropriate educational intervention.

·      To provide a set of communication skills and collaboration with students’ family and other teaching teams

·      To encourage critical and reflective spirit which will enable them to focus and intervene appropriately in each of the difficulties encountered in their teaching.

Finally, we can say that our students will find in their schools and classrooms, regardless of the cycle, throughout their professional life, some pupils with learning difficulties to varying degrees. Not only must they know what happens to them but also know what and how to work with them.

Relationship to other subjects of the Degree in Teaching: Educational Attention to Learning Difficulties, Educational Psychology, Developmental Psychology and Education and Society

4. Degree competences achieved in this course
Course competences
Code Description
1.1.1.II.01 Understand the learning processes related to 6-to-12-year olds in the family, social and school context.
1.1.1.II.02 Know Primary pupils' characteristics as well as those of their motivational and social contexts.
1.1.1.II.03 Have enough knowledge to understand pupils' personality development and identify disorders.
1.1.1.II.04 Identify learning difficulties, report them and assist in their treatment.
1.1.1.II.05 Understand current trends and proposals related to competence-based learning.
1.1.1.II.06 Identify and plan the resolution of educational situations that affect pupils with different abilities and different learning speeds.
CB02 Apply their knowledge to their job or vocation in a professional manner and show that they have the competences to construct and justify arguments and solve problems within their subject area.
CB03 Be able to gather and process relevant information (usually within their subject area) to give opinions, including reflections on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
CB05 Have developed the necessary learning abilities to carry on studying autonomously
CG01 Know the curricular areas of Primary Education, the interdisciplinary relationship between them, the evaluation criteria and didactic knowledge about the corresponding teaching and learning procedures.
CG02 Design, plan and evaluate teaching and learning processes, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers and professionals in the centre.
CG04 Design and arrange learning spaces, with consideration of diversity and gender equality, equity and respect for human rights, which constitute the values of citizenship.
CG05 Promote coexistence inside and outside the classroom, solve discipline problems and contribute to the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Boost and value pupils' effort, determination and self-discipline.
CG06 Understand how Primary Education schools are organised and how they work. Lead tutoring and counselling sessions with pupils and their families, attending to each pupil's particular educational needs. Assume that teaching practices must constantly improve and be updated to the latest scientific, pedagogic and social changes.
CG07 Collaborate with the different sectors of the education community and social environment. Assume the educational role of teaching practice and promote democratic education for active citizenship.
CG08 Critically and autonomously assess one¿s own knowledge, values and also those of the state, public and private social institutions.
CG10 Reflect on classroom practice to allow innovation and improvement of the teaching practice. Acquire habits and skills for autonomous and cooperative learning and promote it among pupils.
CG11 Know and apply information and communication technology in the classroom. Select audiovisual information which contributes to learning, civic training and cultural richness.
CT02 Master information and communication technology (ICT).
CT03 Correct oral and written communication.
CT04 Moral obligation and professional ethics.
5. Objectives or Learning Outcomes
Course learning outcomes
Distinguish psychological and social aspects of special educational needs.
Know, distinguish and critically reflect on the theoretical explanations of human development.
Identify the characteristics of 6-to-12-year-old pupils, as well as those of their contexts and their relationship.
Be able to solve conflicts through mediation inside and outside the classroom in collaboration with the teaching staff, educational psychology services and family.
Distinguish and analyse the various scientific methodologies applied to education.
Apply psychoeducational assessment as a resource to identify Special Educational Needs (SEN).
Collaborate with other professional specialists to give educational response to diversity and multiculturalism inside and outside the classroom.
Be able to have positive and integrative attitudes to pupils with different personal, social and multicultural experiences.
Design and implement strategies or tasks that promote the overall development of 6-to-12-year-old pupils, with emphasis on cognitive and socio-emotional abilities.
Know and identify the psychological, pedagogical and social foundations that build human development, the teaching-learning process, and the influence of context, and be able to apply that knowledge in the classroom.
Reflect and critically analyse the possible theoretical explanations of human development.
Identify learning difficulties, developmental disorders, cognitive dysfunction, attention-related difficulties and other integration problems that arise inside and outside the classroom. Promote the use of resources to foster pupils' development.
Acquire emotional and social skills that promote the healthy development of the teaching practice.
Issue judgment and have a critical attitude about their own teaching practice with Special Educational Needs (SEN) pupils.
Additional outcomes
Not established.
6. Units / Contents
    • Unit 1.1: Specific Needs Educational Support and Inclusive Schools.
    • Unit 1.2: Diversity as an inherent phenomenon in education
    • Unit 2.1: Spoken and written language problems in the classroom
    • Unit 2.2: Behavioral, emotional and motivational problems
    • Unit 3.1: High capacities pupils
    • Unit 3.2: Pupils with intellectual disability
    • Unit 3.3: Pupils with sensory disabilities (blindness, deafness).
    • Unit 3.4: Pupils with physical disabilitiy
    • Unit 3.5: Pervasive Developmental Disorders.
    • Unit 4.1: Psychoeducational evaluation and educational response to students with specific need of educational support (ANCEAEs)
    • Unit 4.2: Families of children with SEN
7. Activities, Units/Modules and Methodology
Training Activity Methodology Related Competences (only degrees before RD 822/2021) ECTS Hours As Com Description
Class Attendance (theory) [ON-SITE] Lectures 1.1.1.II.01 1.1.1.II.02 1.1.1.II.03 1.1.1.II.04 1.1.1.II.06 CB02 CB03 CB05 CG05 CG06 CG08 CG11 CT02 CT03 CT04 1.4 35 N N Explanations given by the professor about central topics related to the subject matter. It aims to develop other competences transversely
Study and Exam Preparation [OFF-SITE] Self-study 1.1.1.II.01 1.1.1.II.02 1.1.1.II.03 1.1.1.II.04 1.1.1.II.05 1.1.1.II.06 CB03 CB05 CG06 CG08 CT04 1.84 46 N N Time to study the subject matter and to prepare the exam/s. It aims to develop other competences transversely
Analysis of articles and reviews [OFF-SITE] Cooperative / Collaborative Learning 1.1.1.II.03 1.1.1.II.04 1.1.1.II.06 CB03 CB05 CG08 CT03 CT04 0.2 5 Y N Reading and summarizing main ideas related to the topic. It aims to develop other competences transversely
Writing of reports or projects [OFF-SITE] Self-study 1.1.1.II.03 1.1.1.II.04 1.1.1.II.05 1.1.1.II.06 CB02 CB03 CB05 CG08 CG11 CT02 CT03 1.66 41.5 Y Y Elaboration of academics papers related to main topics related to the subject matter. It aims to develop other competences transversely
Project or Topic Presentations [ON-SITE] Cooperative / Collaborative Learning 1.1.1.II.02 1.1.1.II.04 1.1.1.II.06 CB02 CB03 CG02 CG04 CG05 CG06 CG07 CG08 CG10 CG11 CT02 CT03 CT04 0.36 9 Y Y Presentations of papers about one topic related to the subject matter. It is necessary to obtain a minimum of 4 out of 10 in this task to pass this subject in its current calling (ordinary or extraordinary).
Problem solving and/or case studies [ON-SITE] Project/Problem Based Learning (PBL) 1.1.1.II.01 1.1.1.II.02 1.1.1.II.03 1.1.1.II.04 1.1.1.II.05 1.1.1.II.06 CB02 CB03 CG01 CG02 CG04 CG05 CG06 CG07 CG08 CG10 CG11 CT02 CT03 CT04 0.38 9.5 Y Y Case resolution and analysis related to the subject matter. It aims to develop other competences transversely. It is necessary to obtain a minimum of 4 out of 10 in this task to pass this subject in its current calling (ordinary or extraordinary).
Group tutoring sessions [ON-SITE] Cooperative / Collaborative Learning 1.1.1.II.01 1.1.1.II.03 1.1.1.II.06 CB02 CB03 CB05 CG02 CG04 CG08 CG10 CT03 CT04 0.08 2 Y N During group work, supporting students in solving doubts about the topic. It aims to develop other competences transversely
Final test [ON-SITE] Assessment tests 1.1.1.II.01 1.1.1.II.02 1.1.1.II.03 1.1.1.II.04 1.1.1.II.05 CB02 CB03 CG06 CG07 CG10 CT03 CT04 0.08 2 Y Y The exam will be made up of true-or-false, multiple choice and short answer questions. It is necessary to obtain a minimum of 4 out of 10 in this task to pass this subject in its current calling (ordinary or extraordinary).
Total: 6 150
Total credits of in-class work: 2.3 Total class time hours: 57.5
Total credits of out of class work: 3.7 Total hours of out of class work: 92.5

As: Assessable training activity
Com: Training activity of compulsory overcoming (It will be essential to overcome both continuous and non-continuous assessment).

8. Evaluation criteria and Grading System
Evaluation System Continuous assessment Non-continuous evaluation * Description
Assessment of problem solving and/or case studies 6.00% 6.00% Constructive interventions and resolution of the issues raised will be positively valued
Oral presentations assessment 34.00% 34.00% Analytical skills, the exposure of content and creativity will be assessed
Final test 60.00% 60.00% It will assess the results of meaningful learning of the course content and, where appropriate, the ability to solve the issues raised
Total: 100.00% 100.00%  
According to art. 4 of the UCLM Student Evaluation Regulations, it must be provided to students who cannot regularly attend face-to-face training activities the passing of the subject, having the right (art. 12.2) to be globally graded, in 2 annual calls per subject , an ordinary and an extraordinary one (evaluating 100% of the competences).

Evaluation criteria for the final exam:
  • Continuous assessment:
    To pass the subject you must meet the following conditions: 1) To pass the practical part (works done during the course) (up to 4 points) with at least 1,6 points and 2) to pass the final theoretical exam with at least 2,4 points (up to 6 points).
    Minimum score on each test: A minimum of 4 points (out of 10) or a 40% in each compulsory assessable test or task is necessary to average the rest of continuous evaluation components.
    VERY IMPORTANT: For every mistake of those included in the List of mistakes to avoid (see Moodle), the student will miss 0.2 marks in the corresponding activity/test/presentation/exam up to a maximum of 1.6 marks (8 mistakes). If the mistake is repeated, the repetition(s) will be also penalized.
    *If a fraudulent practice is detected in the evaluation test carried out by a student, the exam will result into failure, with a final grade of zero (0) in the corresponding subject.
    The detection by the teacher that an assignment, essay or similar test has not been prepared by the student will result in a numerical grade of zero (0) both in the tests and in the subject in which it has been detected, regardless of the rest of the grades obtained by the student.
    (See Article 8 of the UCLM Student Assessment Regulations)
  • Non-continuous evaluation:
    To pass the subject you must meet the following conditions: 1) To pass an oral presentation (3 points, at least 1,2 points), 2) To solve a practical case (1 point, at least 0,4 points) and 3) To pass a Final theoretical and practical exam (up to 6 points, at least 2,4 points). A minimum of 4 points (out of 10) or a 40% in each compulsory assessable test or task is necessary to average the rest of continuous evaluation components.

    VERY IMPORTANT: For every mistake of those included in the "List of mistakes to avoid" (see Moodle), the student will miss 0.2 marks in the corresponding activity/test/presentation/exam up to a maximum of 1.6 marks (8 mistakes). If the mistake is repeated, the repetition(s) will be also penalized.
    *If a fraudulent practice is detected in the evaluation test carried out by a student, the exam will result into failure, with a final grade of zero (0) in the corresponding subject.
    The detection by the teacher that an assignment, essay or similar test has not been prepared by the student will result in a numerical grade of zero (0) both in the tests and in the subject in which it has been detected, regardless of the rest of the grades obtained by the student.
    (See Article 8 of the UCLM Student Assessment Regulations)

Specifications for the resit/retake exam:
Continuous evaluation will be kept for this extraordinary call as well as for the following year if the student fails the course.
A minimum of 4 points (out of 10) or a 40% in each compulsory assessable test or task is necessary to average the rest of continuous evaluation components. All assessable tasks can be recovered. Oral presentations will be carried out in group with those students who need to retake that part.
*If a fraudulent practice is detected in the evaluation test carried out by a student, the exam will result into failure, with a final grade of zero (0) in the corresponding subject.
The detection by the teacher that an assignment, essay or similar test has not been prepared by the student will result in a numerical grade of zero (0) both in the tests and in the subject in which it has been detected, regardless of the rest of the grades obtained by the student.
(See Article 8 of the UCLM Student Assessment Regulations)
Specifications for the second resit / retake exam:
This test will be held on the date set in the official examinations calendar and it will consist of an exam with a value of 100% of the final grade
*If a fraudulent practice is detected in the evaluation test carried out by a student, the exam will result into failure, with a final grade of zero (0) in the corresponding subject.
The detection by the teacher that an assignment, essay or similar test has not been prepared by the student will result in a numerical grade of zero (0) both in the tests and in the subject in which it has been detected, regardless of the rest of the grades obtained by the student.
(See Article 8 of the UCLM Student Assessment Regulations)
9. Assignments, course calendar and important dates
Not related to the syllabus/contents
Hours hours
Final test [PRESENCIAL][Assessment tests] 2

Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 6.25
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 11.5
Problem solving and/or case studies [PRESENCIAL][Project/Problem Based Learning (PBL)] 2.4
Teaching period: 12/09/2022-22/12/2022

Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 8.75
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 11.5
Analysis of articles and reviews [AUTÓNOMA][Cooperative / Collaborative Learning] 1
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 13.9
Project or Topic Presentations [PRESENCIAL][Cooperative / Collaborative Learning] 3
Problem solving and/or case studies [PRESENCIAL][Project/Problem Based Learning (PBL)] 3
Group tutoring sessions [PRESENCIAL][Cooperative / Collaborative Learning] 1
Teaching period: 18/10/2021-29/11/2021

Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 8.75
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 11.5
Analysis of articles and reviews [AUTÓNOMA][Cooperative / Collaborative Learning] 3
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 13
Project or Topic Presentations [PRESENCIAL][Cooperative / Collaborative Learning] 3
Problem solving and/or case studies [PRESENCIAL][Project/Problem Based Learning (PBL)] 3
Teaching period: 29/11/2021-23/12/2021

Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 11.25
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 11.5
Analysis of articles and reviews [AUTÓNOMA][Cooperative / Collaborative Learning] 1
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 14.6
Project or Topic Presentations [PRESENCIAL][Cooperative / Collaborative Learning] 3
Problem solving and/or case studies [PRESENCIAL][Project/Problem Based Learning (PBL)] 1.1
Group tutoring sessions [PRESENCIAL][Cooperative / Collaborative Learning] 1
Teaching period: 27/12/2021-14/01/2022

Global activity
Activities hours
General comments about the planning: The planning may vary according to the teaching-learning process of the students
10. Bibliography and Sources
Author(s) Title Book/Journal Citv Publishing house ISBN Year Description Link Catálogo biblioteca
Aguilar-Mediavilla, E. La evaluación de la fonética y la fonología de hablantes de español UOC 2021  
Cuetos, F. Psicología de la Lectura Wolters Kluwer 2010  
Ferinu, L. y Andreu, L. La intervención de los trastornos fonéticos y fonológicos. UOC 2021  
Jiménez, J. (Coord). Modelo de Respuesta a la Intervención. Un enfoque preventivo para el abordaje de las dificultades específicas de aprendizaje. Pirámide 2019  
Llorens Vargas, A., Ahufinger, N., Igualada, A. J., & Sanz Torrent, M. Descripción del cambio del TEL al TDL en contexto angloparlante Revista de Investigación en Logopedia, 11(Extra 1), 9-20. 2021  
Pilar Fernández y María José Fiuza Dificultades de aprendizaje y trastornos del desarrollo Pirámide 9788436830071 2013 Ficha de la biblioteca
Ripoll Salceda, J. C., Aguado Alonso, G., & Castilla-Earls, A. P. (2014). The simple view of reading in elementary school: A systematic review. Revista de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología 2014  
Scorgie, Kate; Sobsey, Richard Working with Families for Inclusive Education : Navigating Identity, Opportunity and Belonging Emerald Publishing Limited 2017  
Susanibar F, Dioses A, Marchesan I, Guzmán M, Leal G, Guitar B, Junqueira Bohnen. Trastornos del Habla. De los fundamentos a la evaluación EOS 2016  
Swanson, Harris & Graham Handbook of learning disabilities. 2nd edition 9781462518685 2014 Basic reference  
Westwood, Peter S Inclusive and Adaptive Teaching : Meeting the Challenge of Diversity in the Classroom Routledge 2018  
Whittaker, Pippa Hayes, Rachael Essential Tips for the Inclusive Secondary Classroom : A Road Map to Quality-first Teaching Routledge  

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