Guías Docentes Electrónicas
1. General information
ECTS credits:
Academic year:
First semester
Main language:
Second language:
Use of additional languages:
English Friendly:
Web site:
Lecturer: JOSE RAMON CABALLERO DE LA CALLE - Group(s): 22 
Phone number
Office hours
ed. San Isidro Labrador, Despacho 314

Lecturer: JAVIER CABRERA DE LA COLINA - Group(s): 22 
Phone number
Office hours
San Isidro Labrador / 2.05

Phone number
Office hours
E.T.S. Ingenieros Agrónomos CR/ 321

2. Pre-Requisites
Not established
3. Justification in the curriculum, relation to other subjects and to the profession

Livestock and Plant Production covers a wide field, made up of the morphological and physiological bases of animal and crops, for the  offering to the market and food industry raw plant and animal products obtained in the best conditions of quality and heald segurity.

4. Degree competences achieved in this course
Course competences
Code Description
E07 To know the production processes of raw materials employed in the food industry
E08 To be able to apply the technological advances and the innovation in foods and food processing processes in the food industry and to evaluate their acceptability by consumers
E10 To acquire knowledge on equipments and systems for the automatization and control of food processing
E12 To acquire knowledge on microbiology and biotechnology and their applications in the food processing
E14 To know knowledge on microbiology and parasitology and food toxicology
E16 To know and manage behaviour guidelines on personal hygiene, food handling and hygienic control of food processing
E19 To know the fundamentals of quality and traceability systems and be able to perform their deploy, as well as to evaluate and control the food quality
E20 To manage sub-products and residues of the food industry according to an effective environmental management
G01 To develop the aptitude to gather and interpret information and data to issue critical judgments that include a reflection on relevant topics of social, scientific or ethical nature.
G02 To possess a correct oral and written communication. To transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a both specialized and not specialized public.
G04 To develop the necessary skills of learning to undertake later studies with a high degree of autonomy.
5. Objectives or Learning Outcomes
Course learning outcomes
Analyze critically new trends in agricultural production systems: sustainable systems, integrated and precision agriculture, biotechnology and transgenics. Critical analysis of the new agricultural pseudo-sciences: ecology and organic agriculture.
Determine the industrial quality of the raw material for use in the agri-food industry: definition of concepts such as food safety, economic profitability, environmental impact and traceability
Differentiate the peculiar characteristics of the agricultural sector that make it different from the other productive sectors. Frame the current agricultural sector in its economic, political and social reality worldwide and in the EU.
Know the origin and diversity of the different raw materials used in the agri-food industry.
Understand the importance of agriculture (crops and livestock) from rise of domesticated to nowadays and the subsequent technological improvements to increase their production
Know brieflythe production processes of raw materials of plant and animal origin used in human food.
Evaluate the natural limiting factors in the farming systems that affect the profitability and quality of the products
Additional outcomes
6. Units / Contents
  • Unit 1: Vegetable raw materials (crops production)
    • Unit 1.1: Introduction. Agronomy concept. Origin and evolution of agriculture. Statistics of agricultural production.
    • Unit 1.2: Agricultural production factors. Agricultural systems. Agricultural production techniques and management.
    • Unit 1.3: Cereals: production and quality factors.
    • Unit 1.4: Legumes (pulses) for human consumption: production and quality factors.
    • Unit 1.5: Others arable crops (oil, sugar and vegetable crops): production and quality factors.
    • Unit 1.6: Overview, concept and basis of the integrated protection. Etiology and expression of the disease or pest.
    • Unit 1.7: Diagnosis and nature of the disease.
    • Unit 1.8: Pest management strategy. Integrated protection and sustainable agriculture.
  • Unit 2: Raw Materials of Animal Origin (Animal Production)
    • Unit 2.1: Introduction to Animal Husbandry and Animal Production: Concepts. Importance. Evolution and Future. Conditioning factors of Animal Production.
    • Unit 2.2: Livestock farming worldwide, from the U.E. and from Spain: Censuses. Productions Current situation.
    • Unit 2.3: Meat poultry: Production systems. The bait. Sacrifice. Commercialization.
    • Unit 2.4: Laying poultry: The laying hen. Laying cycles. The commercial egg.
    • Unit 2.5: Pig livestock: The animal base in pig farms. The bait. The channel. Bases of extensive exploitation. The Iberian pig.
    • Unit 2.6: Cattle: The animal base in dairy and meat cattle. The lactation curve. Milk treatment and storage. Meat production systems. The channel.
    • Unit 2.7: Sheep production: The animal base. Production systems. The channel and marketing. Sheep milk production. Cheeses
    • Unit 2.8: Goat production: Production systems. Goat milk production. Milk characterization and marketing.
    • Unit 2.9: Rabbit farming: Production systems. Marketing of rabbit products.
    • Unit 2.10: Alternative poultry: Chickens "Label". Free-range and picantón chicken. Organic chickens and eggs. Laying layers. The capon and the pularda. The duck and the pularda. The duck and the goose. Dove.
    • Unit 2.11: Beekeeping: Production and management of the hive. Honey, wax, and royal jelly.

 Although in this guide the program has been divided into only two topics, in reality each of them corresponds to very different areas of knowledge (different departments). The subtopics presented correspond to the of each of the two parts.

7. Activities, Units/Modules and Methodology
Training Activity Methodology Related Competences (only degrees before RD 822/2021) ECTS Hours As Com Description
Class Attendance (theory) [ON-SITE] Lectures E07 E12 E14 E16 E19 E20 G01 G02 G04 1.2 30 Y N Presentation of the syllabus of the subject
Workshops or seminars [ON-SITE] Project/Problem Based Learning (PBL) E14 E16 E19 E20 G01 0.6 15 Y N Approach of questions that deepen the knowledge of the areas of plant and animal production. Visits to agricultural and livestock farms
Final test [ON-SITE] Assessment tests E07 E12 E14 E16 E19 E20 G01 G02 G04 0.1 2.5 Y N Assessment of acquired knowledge
Project or Topic Presentations [ON-SITE] Group Work E07 E08 E10 E12 E14 E16 E19 E20 G01 G02 G04 0.5 12.5 Y N Presentation in class of the work carried out
Writing of reports or projects [OFF-SITE] project-based learning E07 E12 E14 E16 E19 E20 G01 G02 G04 1.1 27.5 Y N Preparation of a report on the topic addressed
Study and Exam Preparation [OFF-SITE] Self-study E07 E12 E14 E16 E19 E20 G01 G02 G04 2.5 62.5 N N exam preparation
Total: 6 150
Total credits of in-class work: 2.4 Total class time hours: 60
Total credits of out of class work: 3.6 Total hours of out of class work: 90

As: Assessable training activity
Com: Training activity of compulsory overcoming (It will be essential to overcome both continuous and non-continuous assessment).

8. Evaluation criteria and Grading System
Evaluation System Continuous assessment Non-continuous evaluation * Description
Oral presentations assessment 10.00% 0.00%
Theoretical papers assessment 10.00% 0.00%
Final test 70.00% 100.00% final test with a value of 70% of total evaluation.
Assessment of active participation 10.00% 0.00%
Total: 100.00% 100.00%  
According to art. 4 of the UCLM Student Evaluation Regulations, it must be provided to students who cannot regularly attend face-to-face training activities the passing of the subject, having the right (art. 12.2) to be globally graded, in 2 annual calls per subject , an ordinary and an extraordinary one (evaluating 100% of the competences).

Evaluation criteria for the final exam:
  • Continuous assessment:
    In the final evaluation of "continuous assessment", will be had into account all of items cited below with different weight on the total score according to current legislation:
    final test 70 % of total score
    oral presentations 10 % total score
    practical activities 10 % total escore
    assistance and active participation 10 % total escore
    The Animal Production and Plant Production sections are independent in their evaluation, requiring at least a score of 4 in each of them to make the average of overall subject.
  • Non-continuous evaluation:
    final test with a value of 100% of total evaluation.The subject evaluated in the final test will be the one corresponding to the theoretical content of the subject and the one referring to the practical, work and laboratory material.

Specifications for the resit/retake exam:
final test with a value of 100% of total evaluation.
Specifications for the second resit / retake exam:
final test with a value of 100% of total evaluation.
9. Assignments, course calendar and important dates
Not related to the syllabus/contents
Hours hours

Unit 1 (de 2): Vegetable raw materials (crops production)
Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 16
Workshops or seminars [PRESENCIAL][Project/Problem Based Learning (PBL)] 6.5
Final test [PRESENCIAL][Assessment tests] 1.5
Project or Topic Presentations [PRESENCIAL][Group Work] 6
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][project-based learning] 13.5
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 30.5
Group 22:
Initial date: 08-09-2022 End date: 22-12-2022

Unit 2 (de 2): Raw Materials of Animal Origin (Animal Production)
Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 16.5
Workshops or seminars [PRESENCIAL][Project/Problem Based Learning (PBL)] 6
Final test [PRESENCIAL][Assessment tests] 1.5
Project or Topic Presentations [PRESENCIAL][Group Work] 6
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][project-based learning] 14
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 32
Group 22:
Initial date: 08-09-2020 End date: 15-12-2020

Global activity
Activities hours
10. Bibliography and Sources
Author(s) Title Book/Journal Citv Publishing house ISBN Year Description Link Catálogo biblioteca
Zootecnia : bases de producción animal Mundi-Prensa 84-7114-581-2 (v.5) 1995 Ficha de la biblioteca
El SECTOR porcino : aspectos básicos Mundi-Prensa 84-7114-434-4 1993 Ficha de la biblioteca
Agrios, George N. Fitopatología Limusa 978-968-18-5184-2 2006 Ficha de la biblioteca
Buxadé Carbó, Carlos El desafío : la ganadería española en la CEE de los doce Mundi-Prensa 84-7114-186-8 1988 Ficha de la biblioteca
Buxadé Carbó, Carlos El pollo de carne : sistemas de explotación y técnicas de pr Mundi-Prensa 84-7114-158-2 1985 Ficha de la biblioteca
Buxadé Carbó, Carlos La gallina ponedora : sistemas de explotación y técnicas de Mundi-prensa 84-7114-880-3 2000 Ficha de la biblioteca
Buxadé Carbó, Carlos Ovino de leche : aspectos claves Ediciones Mundi-Prensa 84-7114-739-4 1998 Ficha de la biblioteca
Buxadé Carbó, Carlos Prespectivas de la ganadería española Editorial Instituto de Empresa 84-85669-16-9 0 Ficha de la biblioteca
Coscollá, Ramón Introduccion a la protección integrada Phytoma-España 84-932056-5-6 2004 Ficha de la biblioteca
Domínguez García-Tejero, Francisco Plagas y enfermedades de las plantas cultivadas / Mundi-Prensa, 84-7114-767-X 2004 Ficha de la biblioteca
Elzebroek, Ton Guide to Cultivated Plants/ CABI Pub., 9781845933562 (alk. 2008 Ficha de la biblioteca
Guerrero García, Andrés Cultivos herbáceos extensivos Mundi-Prensa 84-7114-797-1 1999 Ficha de la biblioteca
Harlan, Jack R. Crops and man American Society of Agronomy Crop Science Soc 0-89118-107-5 1992 Ficha de la biblioteca
Jornadas técnicas sobre ganado porcino (1995. Ciudad Real) I Jornadas Técnicas sobre ganado porcino Escuela Universitaría de Ingeniería Técnica Agr 84-8250-005-8 0 Ficha de la biblioteca
Loomis, R. S. Crop ecology : productivity and management in agricultural s University Press 0-521-38776-0 1992 Ficha de la biblioteca
López Bellido, Luis Cultivos industriales Mundi-Prensa 84-8476-075-8 2003 Ficha de la biblioteca
López Bellido, Luis Cereales Mundi-Prensa 84-7114-324-0 1991 Ficha de la biblioteca
Manners, J. G. Introducción a la fitopatología = Principles of plant pathol Limusa, 968-18-1975-6 1986 Ficha de la biblioteca
Maroto i Borrego, Josep Vicent (1945-) Horticultura herbácea especial Mundi-Prensa 84-7114-495-6 2002 Ficha de la biblioteca
Roberts, Daniel A.Daniel Altman1922- Fundamentos de patología vegetal Acribia 84-200-0394-8 1978 Ficha de la biblioteca

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