Guías Docentes Electrónicas
1. General information
ECTS credits:
Academic year:
First semester
Main language:
Second language:
Use of additional languages:
English Friendly:
Web site:
Lecturer: CARMEN VAZQUEZ VARELA - Group(s): 30 
Phone number
Office hours
Edificio Gil de Albornoz. Despacho 5.05

2. Pre-Requisites
Not established
3. Justification in the curriculum, relation to other subjects and to the profession

The course Recursos Territoriales Turísticos is included in the Tourism Studies section of the Humanities Degree: Cultural History and deals with the study of the environment for the development of tourism, its implementation and organization in space. It analyzes the relationships between the elements of the environment and the development of tourism, which includes the study of the factors of location of the tourist activity in different spatial scales, together with the analysis and characterization of the main tourist regions. In this sense, it is a basic subject that from the foundations of territorial analysis provides theoretical and applied contents, which aim to awaken in students a reflexive and critical conscience about the processes of tourist development, providing them with a solid training for the optimal performance of the different professional opportunities associated with the mention in Tourism. On the one hand, it contributes to providing students with a sufficient base to be able to go deeper into their analysis and planning and, therefore, very useful for those who opt for the specialization in tourism planning and management, while enriching and broadening the vision about tourism of those others who decide in the future to apply it in the setting up of tourism companies.

Insofar as this course aims to study the territory as a tourist resource, it will deepen the geographical knowledge of the Spanish territory and its tourist use. The student will acquire basic knowledge of Spanish geography, emphasizing the need to preserve its territorial resources for future generations.

The course is conceived as an introduction to the study of the existing relations between tourism and territory, assuming as a starting point that the tourism phenomenon has a clear spatial dimension. This does not exclude that the analysis of the tourist activity is approached from integrating approaches, in accordance with certain emerging trends within the Geography of Tourism. For this reason, from a theoretical point of view, tourism is inserted within the wider concept of recreation - emphasising that it is just another form of mobility among the many that individuals develop - and emphasises social and environmental aspects that are closely related to its evolution.



4. Degree competences achieved in this course
Course competences
Code Description
E32 Using and analysing information and communication technologies in the different spheres of the tourism industry.
E35 Detecting needs for technical planning of tourist infrastructures and facilities.
E36 Identifying and managing tourist areas and destinations.
E37 Evaluating tourist potentials and the prospective analysis of their exploitation.
E38 Managing the tourist territory according to the principles of sustainability.
E43 Understanding how do tourist destinations, structures and industries worldwide.
E44 Working in different sociocultural environments linked to the tourism industry.
E45 Analysing the impact of tourism.
E46 Analysing the interrelations between tourism and environment.
E47 Knowing the history of exploitation of territorial tourist assets.
E48 Knowing the territorial tourist assets in the region and Spain nowadays.
G02 Knowledge of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
G03 Expressing correctly in oral and written forms in his/her own language
G04 Ethical commitment and professional ethics
G05 Analysis and synthesis capacity
G06 Making assumptions to solve issued in his/her field of study
G07 Applying critical, analytical and creative thinking and proving innovative capacities
G08 Ability to work independently within a framework of individual responsibility
G09 Ability to work collaboratively with shared responsibility regarding the group's tasks
G11 Communicating ideas, problems and solutions in public or in technical contexts efficiently
G13 Sensitiveness to multiculturalism and gender-related issues
G15 Committing to the defence of human rights
G17 Sensitiveness to environmental issues
5. Objectives or Learning Outcomes
Course learning outcomes
Assessing the tourism potentials of a territorial resource, using specific tools to develop and design tourism projects linked to the territory.
Promoting critical reasoning by implementing methods base don specific case studies.
Promoting capacity for analysis and summarising by conducting specific case studies.
Analysing the geographical, social, economic, political, cultural and resource particularities of tourism spaces and destinations for their promotion and development.
Solving problems using scientific methods while making the students be familiar to the identification and use of different variables required for the analysis.
Understanding the increasing complexity and diversification of tourism as a product, having a positive and rational attitude when performing the activity and ability to make open and reflective decisions in today¿s leisure society.
Developing skills and sensitivity to understand different customs and cultural spheres, whether abroad or in your own city.
Additional outcomes
Not established.
6. Units / Contents
    • Unit 1.1: Introduction. Basic concepts for the geographical analysis of tourism
    • Unit 1.2: The tourist system and the location factors of the tourist activity. The territoriality of the tourist phenomenon
    • Unit 1.3: The relevance of tourism resources in the development of tourism
    • Unit 1.4: The tourist vocation of the territory (1): the natural attractions
    • Unit 1.5: The tourist vocation of the territory (2): the cultural attractions
    • Unit 1.6: The tools, stakeholders and conditions for the development of tourism resources
    • Unit 2.1: The global distribution of tourism: tourism flows and main outbound and inbound regions
    • Unit 2.2: Europe: Tourism development factors and characteristics of the main tourism regions
    • Unit 2.3: North America and the Caribbean: Factors of tourist development and main tourist areas
    • Unit 2.4: East Asia and Pacific: Factors in Tourism Development and Major Tourist Destinations
    • Unit 3.1: Tourist activity in Spain: recent data and tourist image of Spain
    • Unit 3.2: The Spanish coastal tourism areas
    • Unit 3.3: Inland tourism: a) Spanish mountain and snow tourism areas; b) Main features of rural tourism in Spain; c) Tourism in natural protected areas.
    • Unit 3.4: Tourism in urban areas: a) Convention tourism; b) Cultural tourism; c) Metropolitan tourism
    • Unit 3.5: Essential impacts of tourism activity: a) Impacts on the physical environment, and b) Social and cultural transformations

As a complement to the contents included in the syllabus, two SEMINARS will be held::

Conventional tourism: between saturation and requalification. This seminar will analyse traditional or Fordist tourism models consolidated from the 1950s and 1960s, and which entered into an apparent process of decline in the 1970s and 1980s. It is therefore a question of characterising mass tourism, and above all, of pointing out its situation and problems at the present time. Finally, the strategies for conversion will be analysed, especially those that affect territorial and environmental aspects.

New forms of tourism consumption: alternative or complementary? The same trends that seem to be causing the decline of mass tourism spaces are leading to the emergence of new tourism models. It is therefore a question of analysing and discussing new products that favour the revaluation of resources that have been delayed until now, or that directly create their own attractions. But, in general, they also produce new ways of relationship with the territory and with the hosting society, so we need new conceptual and methodological tools to approach them.


In accordance with the English Friendly nature of the subject, and in order to facilitate its follow-up by non-Spanish students, bibliographical references will be provided in English to facilitate the preparation of the topics. Likewise, an outline in English will be provided by means of a power point presentation of the content of each topic.

7. Activities, Units/Modules and Methodology
Training Activity Methodology Related Competences (only degrees before RD 822/2021) ECTS Hours As Com Description
Class Attendance (theory) [ON-SITE] Lectures E32 E35 E36 E37 E38 E43 E44 E45 E46 E47 E48 G02 G03 G04 G05 G06 G07 G08 G09 G11 G13 G15 G17 1.2 30 N N Theoretical classes on the contents included in the syllabus
Field work [ON-SITE] Case Studies E32 E35 E36 E37 E38 E43 E44 E45 E46 E47 E48 G04 G05 G06 G07 G08 G09 G11 G13 G15 G17 0.28 7 Y Y Carrying out a programmed field trip to visit and analyze experiences of activation of territorial tourist resources in the region. Recoverable training activity through the inclusion of the content as part of a written exam.
Project or Topic Presentations [ON-SITE] Cooperative / Collaborative Learning E32 E35 E36 E37 E38 E43 E44 E45 E46 E47 E48 G03 G04 G05 G06 G07 G08 G09 G11 G13 G15 G17 0.16 4 Y Y Presentation of group work followed by discussion with the rest of the class
Group tutoring sessions [ON-SITE] Group tutoring sessions E32 E35 E36 E37 E38 E43 E44 E45 E46 E47 E48 G09 G11 G13 G15 G17 0.6 15 N N Group tutorials oriented to the follow-up and support in the elaboration of the entrusted group works as well as in the accomplishment of practices and analysis of texts for their commentary and/or recension.
Writing of reports or projects [OFF-SITE] Cooperative / Collaborative Learning E32 E35 E36 E37 E38 E43 E44 E45 E46 E47 E48 G09 G11 G13 G15 G17 1.2 30 Y Y Group elaboration of the final work of the course.
Practicum and practical activities report writing or preparation [OFF-SITE] Guided or supervised work E32 E35 E36 E37 E38 E43 E44 E45 E46 E47 E48 G08 G09 G11 G13 G15 G17 0.8 20 Y Y Recoverable training activity through the inclusion of the content as part of a written exam.
Analysis of articles and reviews [OFF-SITE] Guided or supervised work E32 E35 E36 E37 E38 E43 E44 E45 E46 E47 E48 G05 G06 G07 G08 G09 G11 G13 G15 G17 0.8 20 Y Y To be recovered in a special delivery at the end of the four-month period.
Other off-site activity [OFF-SITE] Combination of methods 0.8 20 Y Y Analysis of the characteristics of the resources of the Old Town of Cuenca -or of different regions of the region- in relation to the tourist use, for which we will choose a number between 12 and 20 resources (filling in a model of a standard form) that we will analyze according to: Individual characteristics of the resource in relation to tourist use. Intrinsic characteristics of the resource. Potential to create diversified products.
Workshops or seminars [ON-SITE] Workshops and Seminars E32 E35 E36 E37 E38 E43 E44 E45 E46 E47 E48 G02 G03 G04 G05 G06 G07 G08 G09 G11 G13 G15 G17 0.16 4 Y Y Two seminars on the topics set as a complement to the subject matter. The student will be able to recover this training activity by means of a specific work based on the materials provided by the teacher for the seminar.
Total: 6 150
Total credits of in-class work: 2.4 Total class time hours: 60
Total credits of out of class work: 3.6 Total hours of out of class work: 90

As: Assessable training activity
Com: Training activity of compulsory overcoming (It will be essential to overcome both continuous and non-continuous assessment).

8. Evaluation criteria and Grading System
Evaluation System Continuous assessment Non-continuous evaluation * Description
Practicum and practical activities reports assessment 30.00% 0.00% Analysis of the characteristics of the resources of the Old Town of Cuenca -or of different regions of the region- in relation to the tourist use, for which we will choose a number between 12 and 20 resources.
Once the analysis has been carried out and the corresponding scores have been obtained, the work will end with the elaboration and proposal of one/two current or potential/emergent tourist products justified on the basis of the results of the analysis of the characteristics of the resources of the Old Town of Cuenca -or of different regions of the region- in relation to the tourist use.
Oral presentations assessment 10.00% 0.00%
Portfolio assessment 15.00% 0.00% The delivery of all the practices carried out in class or out of it will be valued, as well as the reviews that could be elaborated from recommended readings.
Final test 0.00% 70.00% Final written exam for students in non-continuous assessment mode.
Assessment of active participation 10.00% 0.00% The participation in class, especially during the course of the Seminars, will be valued, that is to say the participation in discussions and argued and reasoned debates that contribute to foster the critical capacity of the materials exposed and to demonstrate the level of knowledge acquired.
Theoretical papers assessment 35.00% 30.00% Preparation and presentation in class of group work - or individual work for students in non-continuous assessment mode - based on a script supervised by the teacher at the beginning of the course.
Total: 100.00% 100.00%  
According to art. 4 of the UCLM Student Evaluation Regulations, it must be provided to students who cannot regularly attend face-to-face training activities the passing of the subject, having the right (art. 12.2) to be globally graded, in 2 annual calls per subject , an ordinary and an extraordinary one (evaluating 100% of the competences).

Evaluation criteria for the final exam:
  • Continuous assessment:
    All students will have to complete the compulsory and face-to-face activities which will be retrievable.
    The evaluation will be continuous.
    The foreign students participating in the English Friendly program will be able to make an oral and written presentation of these practices and tests in Spanish or English, at their choice.
    The COMPILATIO software acquired by the UCLM allows the detection of licit intertextuality, plagiarism (copied without citing source) taken from the Internet and copying among students. As a general rule, from 40% of similarity will result in the failure of the course, and from 65% of similarity will result in the proposal of a major sanction. The penalty, however, is the responsibility of the teacher, who will weigh the severity according to other didactic factors.
  • Non-continuous evaluation:
    Students who fail or forego continuous assessment will be required to:
    Prepare an assignment that will make up 30% of their final grade and must also pass a final written exam that will make up 70% of their final grade.

Specifications for the resit/retake exam:
Students who fail or forego continuous assessment will be required to:
Prepare an assignment that will make up 30% of their final grade and must also pass a final written exam that will make up 70% of their final grade.
Foreign students participating in the English Friendly program will be able to make an oral and written presentation of these practices and tests in Spanish or English, as they choose.
Specifications for the second resit / retake exam:
Students will be required to take an exam for the subject. Foreign students participating in the English Friendly program may take the exam in Spanish or English, at their choice.
9. Assignments, course calendar and important dates
Not related to the syllabus/contents
Hours hours
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Cooperative / Collaborative Learning] 30
Workshops or seminars [PRESENCIAL][Workshops and Seminars] 20

Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 10
Field work [PRESENCIAL][Case Studies] 7
Group tutoring sessions [PRESENCIAL][Group tutoring sessions] 6
Practicum and practical activities report writing or preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Guided or supervised work] 12
Analysis of articles and reviews [AUTÓNOMA][Guided or supervised work] 8
Teaching period: Six weeks
Group 30:
Initial date: 08-09-2022 End date: 19-10-2022

Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 10
Group tutoring sessions [PRESENCIAL][Group tutoring sessions] 4
Practicum and practical activities report writing or preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Guided or supervised work] 8
Analysis of articles and reviews [AUTÓNOMA][Guided or supervised work] 6
Workshops or seminars [PRESENCIAL][Workshops and Seminars] 2
Teaching period: Four weeks
Group 30:
Initial date: 20-10-2022 End date: 16-11-2022

Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 10
Project or Topic Presentations [PRESENCIAL][Cooperative / Collaborative Learning] 4
Group tutoring sessions [PRESENCIAL][Group tutoring sessions] 5
Analysis of articles and reviews [AUTÓNOMA][Guided or supervised work] 6
Workshops or seminars [PRESENCIAL][Workshops and Seminars] 2
Teaching period: Five weeks
Group 30:
Initial date: 17-11-2022 End date: 22-12-2022

Global activity
Activities hours
General comments about the planning: Time planning may be modified in the event of unforeseen circumstances.
10. Bibliography and Sources
Author(s) Title Book/Journal Citv Publishing house ISBN Year Description Link Catálogo biblioteca
ABAD GALZACORTA, M. & FERNÁNDEZ-VILLARÁN ARA, A. Diseñando experiencias sostenibles en turismo Valencia Tirant Humanidades 9788418970573 2022  
AGUILÓ PÉREZ, Eugeni y ANTÓN CLAVÉ, Salvador 20 retos para el turismo en España Madrid Ediciones Pirámide 978-84-368-3313-3 2015 Ficha de la biblioteca
ANTON CLAVÉ, S. (coord.) et al. A propósito del turismo: la construcción social del espacio turístico Barcelona Editorial UOC 978-84-9788-574-4 2008 Ficha de la biblioteca
BARRADO TIMÓN, Diego A. Destino turítisco y competitividad territorial: una aproximación desde la geografía a la competitividad territorial y al papel del territorio como factor competitivo Esic Market Economics and Business Journal, nº 154, pp. 233-273 Madrid. España Escuela Superior de Gestión Comercial y Marketing, ESIC ISSN 0212-1867 2016 DOI: 10.7200/esicm.153.0472.2e  
BARRADO TIMÓN, Diego A. Recursos territoriales y procesos geográficos: el ejemplo de los recursos turísticos Estudios geográficos, vol. 72 (270), pp. 35-58. Madrid. España CSIC ISSN 0014-1496 2011 doi: 10.3989/estgeogr.201102  
BARRADO, D. A.; CALABUIG, J. (ed.) Geografía mundial del turismo Madrid Síntesis 84-7738-856-3 2001 Ficha de la biblioteca
BAYÓN MARINÉ, F. (Dir.) 50 años del turismo Español. Un análisis histórico y estructural Madrid Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces - Escuela Oficial de Turismo 84-8004-372-5 1999 Ficha de la biblioteca
BESANCENOT, J.P. Clima y Turismo Barcelona Masson 978-8431105792 1991  
BLANCO PORTILLO, R. y DE ESTEBAN CURIEL, J. Ecoturismo. Hacia una gestión sostenible moderna Madrid Síntesis 978-8490772546 2016  
BOSCH, R.; PUJOL, L.; SERRA, J. y VALLESPINÓS, F. Turismo y medio ambiente Madrid Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces 978-8480043335 1998  
BUENDÍA AZORÍN, J.D. y COLINO SUEIRAS, J. (Ed.) Turismo y medio ambiente Madrid Civitas 978-8447015627 2000  
CANOVES VALIENTE, Gemma; VILLARINO PÉREZ, Montserrat y BLANCO ROMERO, Asunción Turismo de interior: renovarse o morir. Estrategias y productos en Catalunya, Galicia y Murcia Valencia Publicacions de la Universitat de València 978-84-370-9251-5 2014 Ficha de la biblioteca
ELORRIETA SANZ, B., GARCÍA MARTÍN, M., CERDAN SCHWITZGUÉBEL, A., & TORRES DELGADO, A. La `guerra de las terrazas¿: Privatización del espacio público por el turismo en Sevilla y Barcelona Cuadernos de Turismo Murcia Universidad de Murcia 2021 Cuadernos de Turismo, (47), 229-259.  
ESTEBAN CURIEL, Javier de et al. Turismo gastronómico y enológico Madrid Editorial Dykinson, S.L. 978-84-9085-317-7 2015  
FUENTES VEGA, Alicia Bienvenido, Mr. Turismo, cultura visual del boom en España Madrid Ediciones Cátedra 978-84-37636863 2017  
GARCÍA HENCHE, Blanca Los mercados de abastos y su comercialización como producto de turismo de experiencias. El caso de Madrid Murcia Universidad de Murcia 1139-7861 2017 Ficha de la biblioteca
HALL, C. M. El turismo como ciencia social de la movilidad Madrid Síntesis 978-84-975662-0-9 2009 Ficha de la biblioteca
HALL, C. M. y PAGE, S. J. The geography of tourism and recreation, environment, place and space (4th ed.) Londres Routledge 9780415833998 2014  
HIDALGO GIRALT, Carmen;PALACIOS GARCÍA, Antonio J. y FERNÁNDEZ CHAMORRO, Vanessa La operatividad turística de los espacios culturales de origen industrial en Madrid. Un análisis de la oferta turística potencial mediante indicadores Murcia Universidad de Murcia ISSN: 1139-7861 2018 DOI:  
IANNIELLO, G & CANOVES, G. Turismificación en Venecia (Italia): estudio sobre los efectos del turismo masivo en una ciudad histórica construida en una isla-laguna Cuadernos de Turismo Murcia Universidad de Murcia eISSN: 1989-4635 2022 Cuadernos de Turismo, nº 49, (2022); pp. 411-414 DOI:  
IVARS BAIDAL, J. Planificación turística de los espacios regionales en España Madrid Síntesis 978-8497561204 2004  
LENO CERRO, F. Técnicas de evaluación del potencial turístico Madrid Ministerio de Industria y Energía 978-8474747225 1993  
LITVIN, S. W., SMITH, W. W., & MCEWEN, W. R. Not in My Backyard: Personal Politics and Resident Attitudes toward Tourism Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 59 (4) 674¿685. SAGE Journals 0047-2875 2020  
LOJO, A. Turismo chino en España, un análisis del producto turístico, atracciones e itinerarios ofrecidos por agencias de viajes chinas Murcia Universidad de Murcia 2016 DOI:  
LÓPEZ OLIVARES, D. La ordenación y planificación integrada de los recursos territoriales turísticos Castellón Universidad Jaume I 84-8021-194-6 1998 Ficha de la biblioteca
MARTÍN RODA, Eva María y NIETO CODINA, Aurelio Territorio y turismo mundial : análisis geográfico Madrid Editorial Universitaria Ramón Areces 978-84-9961-160-0 2014 Ficha de la biblioteca
MESPLIER, A.; BLOC-DURAFFOUR, P. Geografía del turismo en el mundo Madrid Síntesis 978-84-7738-784-8 2000  
MONDÉJAR JIMÉNEZ, J. A. y PARRA LÓPEZ, E. (dirs.) La actividad turística española en 2014 (edición 2015) Madrid Síntesis 978-8490772560 2016  
MURRAY MAS, Iván Capitalismo y turismo en España: "del "milagro económico" a la "gran crisis" Barcelona Alba Sud Editorial 978-84-606-5770-5 2015  
OJEDA, A. B., & KIEFFER, M. Touristification. Empty concept or element of analysis in tourism geography? Geoforum Elsevier B.V. 0016-7185 2020  
OLIVERAS, J. y ANTÓN, S. (coord.) Turismo y planificación del territorio en la España de fin de siglo Tarragona Editado por la unitat de geografía de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili. (Actas V Jornadas de Geografía del Turismo) 978-84-89866-72-0 1998  
PARDO ABAD, Carlos J. El patrimonio industrial en España. Paisajes, lugares y elementos singulares Madrid Ediciones Akal 978-84-46043348 2016  
PARDO ABAD, Carlos J. Territorio y recursos turísticos. Análisis geográfico del turismo en España Madrid Editorial Universitaria Ramón Areces 9788499611372 2013  
RODRÍGUEZ DÍAZ, B. Desarrollo y aplicación de un modelo para el diseño de rutas turísticas personalizadas Madrid Síntesis 978-8490771297 2015  
RODRÍGUEZ PÉREZ, María José La red de Paradores arquitectura e historia del turismo 1911-1951 Madrid. España Ediciones Turner 9788417141158 2018  
ROMEO R.; RUSSO, L.; PARISI F.; NOTARIANNI M.; MANUELLI S.; CARVAO S.; UNWTO Mountain tourism ¿ Towards a more sustainable path Rome, Italy FAO; The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) 978-92-5-135416-2 2021  
SANTOS-PAVÓN, E., FERNÁNDEZ-TABALES, A. MUÑOZ-YULES, O. La incorporaciòn del paisaje a la planificación turística. Análisis de la estrategia de turismo sostenible de Andalucía Murcia Universidad de Murcia 2016 DOI:  
SHELLER, M. y URRY, J. (ed.) Tourism mobilities: places to play, places in play Londres Routledge 0-415-33879-4 2004  
SIMANCAS CRUZ, M. R., HERNÁNDEZ MARTÍN, R., & PADRÓN FUMERO, N. Turismo pos-COVID-19: Reflexiones, retos y oportunidades La Laguna Cátedra de Turismo CajaCanarias-Ashotel de la Universidad de La Laguna 978-84-09-21816-5 2020  
SORIANO PROCAS, M., & TERRÓN BARROSO, A. When national stereotypes become a brand: The case of Spain¿s destination marketing Cuadernos de Turismo Murcia Universidad de Murcia 2021 Cuadernos de Turismo, (47), 179-202.  
URRY, J. The tourist gaze Londres Sage Publications 0-7619-7346-X 2005  
VALENZUELA, M. (coord.) Los turismos de interior. El retorno a la tradición viajera Madrid UAM Ediciones 84-7477-652-X 1997 Ficha de la biblioteca
VERA REBOLLO, J. F. (ed.); RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, I. (ed.) Renovación y reestructuración de destinos turísticos en áreas costeras: marco de análisis, procesos, instrumentos y realidades Valencia Publicacions de la Universitat de València 978-84-370-8863-1 2012  
VERA REBOLLO, J.F. et al. Análisis territorial del turismo y planificación de destinos turísticos Valencia Tirant Humanidades 978-84-15731-40-5 2013 Ficha de la biblioteca
VIÑALS, M.J. & LÓPEZ-GONZÁLEZ, C. La interpretación del patrimonio como transmisora de los valores de los monumentos religiosos vivos. Propuesta de aplicación a la catedral de València Cuadernos de Turismo Murcia Universidad de Murcia eISSN: 1989-4635 2022 Cuadernos de Turismo, nº 49, (2022); pp. 315-341 DOI:  

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