Guías Docentes Electrónicas
1. General information
ECTS credits:
Academic year:
Main language:
Second language:
Use of additional languages:
English Friendly:
Web site:
Lecturer: MARIA BELEN HINOJOSA CENTENO - Group(s): 40 
Phone number
Office hours

2. Pre-Requisites

Not established.

3. Justification in the curriculum, relation to other subjects and to the profession

This course pretends to establish the basis for the development and evaluation of ecosystem restoration projects, which constitutes a  professional opportunity for graduates in Environmental Sciences. We will analyze the scientific bases of ecological restoration. We will describe how to diagnose the ecosystem status and the techniques that allow recovering the ecosystems. In addition, specific cases and projects will be analyzed.

This subject, belonging to the “Environmental Technology” module (Environmental Conservation and Management), has a direct relationship with basic and compulsory subjects such as Biology, Botany, Ecology, Zoology, and Geology. In addition, this subject is strongly related to subjects of the curricular intensification "Analysis and Environmental Technologies" (Energy and Environment, Management and Treatment of Industrial Effluents, Radiation and Noise and Geological Risks and Environmental Geochemistry, among others), or subjects of the curricular intensification "Conservation, Planning and Management of the Environment" (Fire Ecology, Aquatic Ecosystems, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Iberian Vegetation, Cartography and Bases of Habitat Management, Wildlife Management and Population Dynamics).

4. Degree competences achieved in this course
Course competences
Code Description
CB02 Apply their knowledge to their job or vocation in a professional manner and show that they have the competences to construct and justify arguments and solve problems within their subject area.
CB03 Be able to gather and process relevant information (usually within their subject area) to give opinions, including reflections on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
CB04 Transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions for both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
CB06 Students have developed the ability to work as a team and lead, direct, plan and supervise multidisciplinary teams
E01 Ability to understand and apply basic knowledge.
E02 Capacity for multidisciplinary consideration of an environmental problem
E03 Awareness of the temporal and spatial dimensions of environmental processes
E05 Capacity for qualitative data interpretation
E06 Capacity for quantitative data interpretation
E07 Capacity to plan, manage and conserve natural resources
E16 Ability to track and control environmental projects
E18 Capacity to manage the natural environment
E20 Capacity to plan and carry out actions to restore the natural environment
E25 Capacity to treat contaminated soil.
G03 Good oral and written communication
G04 Ethical commitment and professional deontology
5. Objectives or Learning Outcomes
Course learning outcomes
Capacity to intervene in the design of conservation programmes and implement measures to prevent the extinction of populations, species and habitats.
Ability to identify soil degradation problems and propose concrete recovery measures.
Knowledge of the main ecological restoration techniques and their comparison with other techniques.
Collaborate and cooperate in multidisciplinary teams.
Acquisition of the concepts on which ecological restoration is based.
Maintain an attitude of learning and improvement throughout their studies and in their future professional life.
Organize your work and face any difficulties that may arise in an autonomous and creative way.
Planning the restoration in space and time: protocols for action.
Realization of plans for projects for the restoration of the natural environment.
Capacity for analysis and diagnosis of degraded environmental systems.
Additional outcomes
Not established.
6. Units / Contents
  • Unit 1: Introduction and historical reviews. Fundamental concepts in ecological restoration. Basic notions about the development of a restoration project.
  • Unit 2: Ecological basis of restoration.
    • Unit 2.1: At the landscape level.
    • Unit 2.2: At ecosystem level.
    • Unit 2.3: Community level.
    • Unit 2.4: Population level.
  • Unit 3: General methodological bases applied to restoration.
    • Unit 3.1: Relief-topography.
    • Unit 3.2: Soil.
    • Unit 3.3: Water.
    • Unit 3.4: Vegetation and fauna.
  • Unit 4: Specific cases of ecological restoration.
    • Unit 4.1: Forest systems
    • Unit 4.2: Riparian systems
    • Unit 4.3: Wetlands
    • Unit 4.4: Mining
    • Unit 4.5: Linear infrastructures

During the practical sessions, the basic contents that should be present in an ecological restoration project will be worked on. A field trip is foreseen in order to see the results of an ecological restoration project.

7. Activities, Units/Modules and Methodology
Training Activity Methodology Related Competences (only degrees before RD 822/2021) ECTS Hours As Com Description
Class Attendance (theory) [ON-SITE] Lectures CB02 CB03 E01 E02 E03 E05 E06 E16 E20 E25 G04 0.88 22 N N Lectures. All the teaching material will be available on the virtual platform.
Workshops or seminars [ON-SITE] Combination of methods CB02 CB03 CB04 CB06 E01 E02 E03 E05 E06 E07 E16 E18 G03 G04 0.16 4 Y N Analysis and discussion of real cases of ecological restoration (field trips, invited lectures, etc).
Analysis of articles and reviews [OFF-SITE] Reading and Analysis of Reviews and Articles CB03 E05 E06 0.24 6 Y N Analysis of scientific texts and preparation of reviews.
Class Attendance (practical) [ON-SITE] Combination of methods CB02 CB03 CB04 CB06 E01 E02 E03 E05 E06 E07 E16 E18 E20 G03 G04 0.6 15 Y Y The basic contents that should be present in an ecological restoration project will be described. A critical analysis of ecological restoration projects will be carried out under the guidance of the teacher.
Practicum and practical activities report writing or preparation [OFF-SITE] Cooperative / Collaborative Learning CB02 CB03 CB04 CB06 E01 E02 E03 E05 E06 E16 E20 G03 G04 0.9 22.5 Y Y Writing and presentation of the critical evaluation of a restoration project. Group activity.
Study and Exam Preparation [OFF-SITE] Self-study CB02 CB03 CB04 CB06 E01 E02 E03 E05 E06 E16 G03 G04 1.56 39 N N Study and preparation of the evaluation tests.
Progress test [ON-SITE] Assessment tests CB02 CB03 CB04 E01 E02 E03 E05 E06 E16 E20 E25 G03 0.08 2 Y N There will be two progress tests about the theoretical contents, which may eliminate material for the final exam.
Final test [ON-SITE] Assessment tests CB02 CB03 CB04 E01 E02 E03 E05 E06 E16 E20 E25 G03 0.08 2 Y Y Final test to evaluate the theoretical knowledge acquired.
Total: 4.5 112.5
Total credits of in-class work: 1.8 Total class time hours: 45
Total credits of out of class work: 2.7 Total hours of out of class work: 67.5

As: Assessable training activity
Com: Training activity of compulsory overcoming (It will be essential to overcome both continuous and non-continuous assessment).

8. Evaluation criteria and Grading System
Evaluation System Continuous assessment Non-continuous evaluation * Description
Final test 60.00% 70.00% Assessment of the theoretical part of the subject by means of two partial tests (continuous evaluation) and/or a final test (non-continuous evaluation).
Practicum and practical activities reports assessment 30.00% 30.00% Evaluation of the practical part of the course through a written report and a presentation.
Other methods of assessment 10.00% 0.00% It includes the presentation and discussion of topics presented in seminars, reading articles, workshops, etc.
Total: 100.00% 100.00%  
According to art. 4 of the UCLM Student Evaluation Regulations, it must be provided to students who cannot regularly attend face-to-face training activities the passing of the subject, having the right (art. 12.2) to be globally graded, in 2 annual calls per subject , an ordinary and an extraordinary one (evaluating 100% of the competences).

Evaluation criteria for the final exam:
  • Continuous assessment:
    There will be two mid-term tests to assess the theoretical knowledge acquired. In order to pass the mid-term exams, it will be necessary to obtain at least a 4 (out of 10) in each of them. In case of failing one or both mid-term exams, it will be necessary to sit the final exam in order to be assessed for the part/s not passed.
    In order to pass the course, it will be necessary to obtain a mark of 4 or higher (out of 10) in the theoretical and practical parts independently. In any case, the course will only be considered passed if the overall grade, weighting the different evaluable activities according to the table above, results in a mark of 5 or higher (out of 10).
    All the evaluable activities will be recoverable, either in the extraordinary or special final exam. However, attendance to the practicals is considered as a compulsory and non-recoverable activity in order to pass the subject.
  • Non-continuous evaluation:
    The criteria for non-continuous assessment will be the same as for continuous assessment, taking into account the weightings shown in the table above.

Specifications for the resit/retake exam:
Grades for the extraordinary exam will follow the same criteria as for the ordinary exam.
Those evaluable activities that have obtained a mark of 4 or higher (out of 10) in the ordinary assessment will be considered compensable in this extraordinary call. In any case, the subject will only be passed if the overall grade, weighting the different evaluable activities according to the above table, results in a mark of 5 or higher (out of 10).
Specifications for the second resit / retake exam:
The grades for the special final examination will follow the same criteria as those for the extraordinary examination. Those evaluable activities that have obtained a mark of 4 or higher (out of 10) in the previous year will be considered compensable for this call. In any case, the course will only be passed if the overall grade, weighting the different evaluable activities according to the table above, results in a mark of 5 or higher (out of 10).
9. Assignments, course calendar and important dates
Not related to the syllabus/contents
Hours hours
Analysis of articles and reviews [AUTÓNOMA][Reading and Analysis of Reviews and Articles] 6
Class Attendance (practical) [PRESENCIAL][Combination of methods] 15
Practicum and practical activities report writing or preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Cooperative / Collaborative Learning] 22.5
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 39
Progress test [PRESENCIAL][Assessment tests] 2
Final test [PRESENCIAL][Assessment tests] 2

Unit 1 (de 4): Introduction and historical reviews. Fundamental concepts in ecological restoration. Basic notions about the development of a restoration project.
Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 2

Unit 2 (de 4): Ecological basis of restoration.
Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 7

Unit 3 (de 4): General methodological bases applied to restoration.
Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 6

Unit 4 (de 4): Specific cases of ecological restoration.
Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 7
Workshops or seminars [PRESENCIAL][Combination of methods] 4

Global activity
Activities hours
10. Bibliography and Sources
Author(s) Title Book/Journal Citv Publishing house ISBN Year Description Link Catálogo biblioteca
. NOTA IMPORTANTE: A lo largo de la impartición del contenido teórico de la asignatura el profesor ofrecerá al alumno más bibliografía específica de cada tema.  
Cuevas, L. et al. Proteccion, Restauracion y Conservacion de Suelos Forestales Comisión Nacional Forestal 2007  
González, M.; García, D. Guía Metodológica para Elaboración de Proyectos de Restauración de Ríos. Secretaría General Técnica. Ministerio de medio Ambiente 2009  
Gómez Orea, D. Recuperación de Espacios Degradados Ediciones Mundi-Prensa 2004  
Hammerl-Resch M.; Gattenlöhner U.; Jantschke S. Restauración de Humedales. Manejo Sostenible de Humedales y Lagos Someros, Manual para la Elaboración de un Plan de Gestión. Global Nature Fund 2004  
Ley, C.; Gallego, J.B.;Vidal, C. Manual de Restauración de Dunas Costeras Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. Dirección General de Costas 2007  
Magdaleno, F. Manual de Técnicas de Restauración Fluvial Secretaría General Técnica. Ministerio de medio Ambiente. 2010  
Mola, I., Sopeña, A. y de Torre, R. (editores). Guía Práctica de Restauración Ecológica Fundación Biodiversidad del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica 2018  
Ortíz, I. et al. Técnicas de Recuperación de Suelos Contaminados Fundación para el conocimiento madri+d 2007  
Perrow M.R.; Davy A.J Handbook of Ecological Restoration Cambridge University Press 2002  
Rey Benayas,J.M.; Espigares, T.;Nicolau, J.M: Restauración de Ecosistemas Mediterráneos. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alcalá. 2003  
Seoánez, M.; Varela, R. Manual de Contaminación Marina y Restauración del Litoral Mundi-Prensa 2000  
Sánchez, O et al. Temas sobre Restauración Ecológica Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático 2005  
Valladares, F., et al. Restauración ecológica de áreas afectadas por infraestructuras de transporte Fundación Biodiversidad 2011  
Vallejo V.R.; Alloza J.A. Avances en el estudio de la Gestión del Monte Mediterráneo Fundación Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterráneo 2004  
Van Andel, J.; Aronson, J. Restoration Ecology. The New Frontier Blackwell Publishing 2006  

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