Guías Docentes Electrónicas
1. General information
ECTS credits:
Academic year:
43  40  41  42  44 
First semester
Main language:
Second language:
Use of additional languages:
English Friendly:
Web site:
Lecturer: JESÚS MARÍA ANDÚJAR URRUTIA - Group(s): 41  42  43 
Phone number
Office hours

Lecturer: NICOLAS GONZALEZ-CUELLAR SERRANO - Group(s): 41  42  43 
Phone number
Office hours
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de Toledo

Lecturer: AGATA MARIA SANZ HERMIDA - Group(s): 40  44 
Phone number
Office hours

2. Pre-Requisites
Not established
3. Justification in the curriculum, relation to other subjects and to the profession
Not established
4. Degree competences achieved in this course
Course competences
Code Description
E02 To understand the systematic nature of the legal system and the interdisciplinary nature of legal problems.
E04 Ability to search, identify and use legal sources (legal, jurisprudential and doctrinal).
E05 Ability to read, interpret, analyse and write legal documents from an interdisciplinary perspective.
E09 To apply the legal system based on the values and ethical principles of the different legal professions.
E13 Solve problems arising from the application of general principles of law and legal norms to factual situations.
E14 Acquire the capacity to provide legal advice to public, private and private entities.
G01 Knowledge of a second foreign language, preferably English, at Level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
G02 Knowledge at the user level of Information and Communication Technologies
G03 A correct oral and written communication.
G04 Incorporate the sense and ethical principles in their professional activity
G10 Develop the capacity for analysis and synthesis and promote autonomous learning.
G14 Ability to apply knowledge to practice.
G15 Ability to locate, select, process and manage information.
5. Objectives or Learning Outcomes
Course learning outcomes
Apply the knowledge and competences acquired to their work or vocation in a professional manner, with ethical responsibility in their practice.
Conveying information, ideas, problems and solutions related to the procedural legal system, both to an expert audience and in professional forum
Draft the basic legal documents required in each of the procedural steps in a technically and formally correct manner and control the use of forensic legal language.
Choose the different strategies to be adopted before the courts in defence of their claims on a well-founded and legally rigorous basis
Knowing and managing the structure, elements and requirements (common and differential) of the jurisdictional processes, and learn how to identify the requirements that the procedural norms enforce on each procedural action.
Clearly define and precisely explain the institutions that make up the procedural legal system, as well as the principles and procedural guarantees that govern them and their interpretation by the courts.
Additional outcomes
Not established.
6. Units / Contents
  • Unit 1:
  • Unit 2:
  • Unit 3:
  • Unit 4:
  • Unit 5:
  • Unit 6:
  • Unit 7:
  • Unit 8:
  • Unit 9:
  • Unit 10:
  • Unit 11:
7. Activities, Units/Modules and Methodology
Training Activity Methodology Related Competences (only degrees before RD 822/2021) ECTS Hours As Com Description
Class Attendance (theory) [ON-SITE] Lectures E02 E04 E09 E14 G04 G10 G14 G15 1.04 26 Y N
Class Attendance (practical) [ON-SITE] Case Studies E04 E05 E09 E13 E14 G01 G02 G03 0.6 15 Y N
Study and Exam Preparation [OFF-SITE] Combination of methods E02 E04 E05 E09 E13 E14 G02 G03 G04 G10 G14 G15 2.8 70 N N
Final test [ON-SITE] Combination of methods E02 E04 E05 E09 E13 G14 0.08 2 Y N
Progress test [ON-SITE] Combination of methods E02 E04 E05 E09 E13 G02 0.08 2 Y N
Analysis of articles and reviews [OFF-SITE] Reading and Analysis of Reviews and Articles E02 E04 E05 E09 E13 E14 G02 G03 G04 G10 G14 G15 0.8 20 N N
Writing of reports or projects [OFF-SITE] Project/Problem Based Learning (PBL) E02 E04 E05 E09 E13 E14 G02 G03 G04 G10 G14 G15 0.6 15 Y N
Total: 6 150
Total credits of in-class work: 1.8 Total class time hours: 45
Total credits of out of class work: 4.2 Total hours of out of class work: 105

As: Assessable training activity
Com: Training activity of compulsory overcoming (It will be essential to overcome both continuous and non-continuous assessment).

8. Evaluation criteria and Grading System
Evaluation System Continuous assessment Non-continuous evaluation * Description
Theoretical exam 70.00% 70.00%
Assessment of problem solving and/or case studies 20.00% 30.00%
Assessment of active participation 10.00% 0.00%
Total: 100.00% 100.00%  
According to art. 4 of the UCLM Student Evaluation Regulations, it must be provided to students who cannot regularly attend face-to-face training activities the passing of the subject, having the right (art. 12.2) to be globally graded, in 2 annual calls per subject , an ordinary and an extraordinary one (evaluating 100% of the competences).

Evaluation criteria for the final exam:
  • Continuous assessment:
    Evaluation criteria not defined
  • Non-continuous evaluation:
    Evaluation criteria not defined

Specifications for the resit/retake exam:
Evaluation criteria not defined
Specifications for the second resit / retake exam:
Evaluation criteria not defined
9. Assignments, course calendar and important dates
Not related to the syllabus/contents
Hours hours
Class Attendance (practical) [PRESENCIAL][Case Studies] 15
Final test [PRESENCIAL][Combination of methods] 2
Progress test [PRESENCIAL][Combination of methods] 2
Analysis of articles and reviews [AUTÓNOMA][Reading and Analysis of Reviews and Articles] 20
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Project/Problem Based Learning (PBL)] 15

Unit 1 (de 11):
Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 2
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Combination of methods] 6

Unit 2 (de 11):
Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 2
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Combination of methods] 6

Unit 3 (de 11):
Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 2
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Combination of methods] 6

Unit 4 (de 11):
Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 2
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Combination of methods] 6

Unit 5 (de 11):
Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 2
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Combination of methods] 6

Unit 6 (de 11):
Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 2
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Combination of methods] 6

Unit 7 (de 11):
Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 2
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Combination of methods] 6

Unit 8 (de 11):
Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 2
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Combination of methods] 6

Unit 9 (de 11):
Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 3
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Combination of methods] 5

Unit 10 (de 11):
Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 3
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Combination of methods] 8

Unit 11 (de 11):
Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 4
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Combination of methods] 9

Global activity
Activities hours
10. Bibliography and Sources
Author(s) Title Book/Journal Citv Publishing house ISBN Year Description Link Catálogo biblioteca
Asencio Mellado, José María Derecho procesal penal Tirant lo Blanch 978-84-9876-871-8 Consultar última edición, pues cualquier manual debe estar actualizado a las modificaciones procesales de 2015 Ficha de la biblioteca
GIMENO SENDRA y otros Derecho procesal penal Tirant lo Blanch 9788413976860 2021  
Gimeno Sendra y otros autores Casos prácticos de derecho procesal penal Editorial universitaria Ramón Areces 978-84-8004-885-9 2008 Ficha de la biblioteca
Gimeno Sendra, Vicente Manual de derecho procesal penal / Castillo de Luna, 978-84-942764-4-6 2017 Buscar última edición (2017) Ficha de la biblioteca
GÓMEZ COLOMER/BARONA VILAR Derecho procesal III Tirant lo Blanch 2021  
Montero Aroca y otros autores Derecho jurisdiccional. III, Proceso penal Tirant lo blanch 978-84-9033-124-8 Consultar última edición, pues cualquier manual debe estar actualizado a las modificaciones procesales de 2015 Ficha de la biblioteca
Moreno Catena, Víctor Derecho procesal penal Tirant lo blanch 978-84-9033-334-1 Consultar última edición, pues cualquier manual debe estar actualizado a las modificaciones procesales de 2015 Ficha de la biblioteca
Ramos Méndez, Francisco Enjuiciamiento criminal : novena lectura constitucional Atelier 978-84-92788-22-4 Consultar última edición, pues cualquier manual debe estar actualizado a las modificaciones procesales de 2015 Ficha de la biblioteca
Teresa Armenta Deu Lecciones de Derecho Procesal Penal Marcial Pons 978-84-1381-251-9 2021 MANUAL RECOMENDADO PARA LA PREPARACIÓN DE LA ASIGNATURA Consultar última edición, pues cualquier manual debe estar actualizado a las modificaciones procesales de 2021  

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