Guías Docentes Electrónicas
1. General information
ECTS credits:
Academic year:
First semester
Main language:
Second language:
Use of additional languages:
English Friendly:
Web site:
Lecturer: MARIA GEMA ALHAMBRA PASCUAL - Group(s): 24 
Phone number
Office hours
Facultad de Educación/3.17
It will be published on the website and on the Virtual Campus during the first 3 weeks of the semester.

Lecturer: ANGEL LUIS GONZALEZ OLIVARES - Group(s): 24 
Phone number
Office hours
Facultad Educación/3.21
It will be published on the website and on the Virtual Campus during the first 3 weeks of the semester.

2. Pre-Requisites

Previous skills and knowledge of the subjects of Educational Care for Learning Difficulties, Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology and Learning and Developmental Disorders, acquired during the first two years of the Early Childhood Education Teacher's Degree, are required.

3. Justification in the curriculum, relation to other subjects and to the profession

The subject "Educational Needs in Early Childhood Education" is of a Didactic-Practical Training nature in accordance with the guidelines set for the construction of the European Higher Education Area.

It is aimed at training students of the Faculty of Education in the acquisition of the necessary skills for subsequent educational intervention in Early Childhood and Primary Education Centers with students who have Specific Needs for Educational Support or who require educational attention different from the ordinary, due to their special educational needs.

This subject is related to others in the Mention, such as: "Early Childhood Education in the Face of Diversity", "Developmental Problems and Early Attention", "Early Stimulation: Prevention and Intervention in Psychological Difficulties" and "Educational Treatment of Difficulties of learning and the diversity of specific needs". It is also related to degree subjects such as "Learning and development disorders"; "Developmental Psychology" and "Health Psychology in Early Childhood Education".

4. Degree competences achieved in this course
Course competences
Code Description
2.1.II.01. Collaborate with the development of the pupil's self-concept by working cross-curricularly from an approach focused on emotional competence.
2.1.II.02. Know the global development, the possibilities and the imbalances of the development of the evolutionary psychology of childhood in the periods between 0-3 and 3-6 years of age.
2.1.II.03. Be able to communicate fluently, correctly and in a socially satisfactory way within the parameters required at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference (Independent User: Advanced), expanding on the development of the five communication skills of the foreign language: listening, reading, speaking, oral interaction and writing.
2.1.II.04. Develop verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to facilitate the transmission and understanding of the message, paying special attention to the communication structures that the teacher needs to interact with the pupils in the Early Childhood Education classrooms.
2.1.II.05. Select and elaborate on oral and written texts that are relevant and of interest to Early Childhood Education pupils that promote the learning of the English language.
2.1.II.06. Be able to develop units of work for the teaching-learning of the English language for Early Childhood Education, mastering the methodological currents and their practical applications, as well as the ICT (Information and Communication Technology) resources used for the teaching-learning of the English language and evaluation criteria.
2.1.II.07. Know the applicable methodology in the teaching of foreign languages in the Early Childhood education stage, as well as the methodological guidelines that come from the Common European Framework of Reference and the Language Programs.
2.1.II.08. Know and apply the elements of the curriculum related to Physical Education in Early Childhood Education, as well as the theories on the acquisition and development of the corresponding learning.
2.1.II.09. Prepare didactic proposals that use motor skills for the overall development of Early Childhood pupils.
2.1.II.10. Know the most important principles for the practice of physical activity and its influence on the development of physical, social and psychological health in the Early Childhood Education stage to create a critical and reflective opinion.
2.1.II.11. Know, value, and use motor play as a social and cultural manifestation and as an educational resource using the knowledge of its structural and functional features with the intention of promoting learning from a global perspective.
2.1.II.12. Know and be able to develop didactic proposals that promote positive body perception and expression.
2.1.II.13. Analyze the possibilities that the different school spaces (classroom, gym, playground, etc.) and the nearby environment offer to carry out motor activities for educational purposes, being able to propose educational activities and innovations to use them.
2.1.II.14. Know the most relevant principles of aquatic activities in the early ages and know how to apply them to the educational field.
CB05 Have developed the necessary learning abilities to carry on studying autonomously
CG02 Encourage and facilitate learning in early childhood, from a perspective that is globalized and integrates the different cognitive, emotional, psychomotor and volitional dimensions.
CG03 Design and regulate learning spaces within the context of diversity that attend to the singular educational necessities of the pupils, gender equality, equity, and respect for human rights.
CG04 Encourage co-existence in and out of the classroom and address the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Know how to systematically observe learning and coexistence contexts and know how to reflect upon them.
CG05 Carry out group reflections upon the acceptance of rules and respect for others. Encourage the autonomy and singularity of each pupil as factors of education on emotions, feelings, and values in early childhood.
CG06 Know the evolution of language in early childhood, know how to identify possible dysfunctions and maintain observation to ensure a proper development. Efficiently address language-learning situations in multicultural and multilingual contexts. Express oneself orally and in writing and master different expression techniques.
CG09 Understand how early childhood educational centers are organized and know the diversity of actions that their operation entails. Accept that the teaching practice must work toward perfection and adapt to scientific, pedagogical, and social changes in life.
CG10 Act as an orienter to parents in relation to family education for the stage of 0-6 years and master social abilities in the treatment of and relation with the family of each pupil, and with all the families as a whole.
CT02 Mastery of Information and Communication Technology.
CT04 Commitment and professional ethics.
CT05 Encourage the respect of fundamental rights and equality between men and women.
CT06 Encourage the respect and promotion of Human Rights and the principles of universal accessibility and design for all in conformity with the stipulated information in the tenth clause of the Final Disposition of Law 51/2003, of the 2 of December, Equal Opportunity, Non-Discriminatory Policies and Universal Accessibility for People with Disability.
CT07 Promote values that belong to a culture of peace, and democratic values.
5. Objectives or Learning Outcomes
Course learning outcomes
Know how to consult and review different sources of information to update educational responses, adapting and adjusting national and international experiences to each case.
Know how to generate and transfer innovative experiences for the treatment of diversity.
Know how to identify the psychological difficulties among pupils from 0 to 6 years old and their repercussion in the other areas of development (cognitive, social, motor and emotional), promoting good psychological health.
Be able to motivate people with diverse needs to develop their own personal abilities.
Identify specific needs for educational support in diverse educational situations and contexts to establish adjusted intervention guidelines.
Implement the material and technological resources of the classroom to the different specific needs of educational support and reinforcement.
Plan inclusive educational actions.
Be able to promote and design preventive programs in relation to psychological difficulties among pupils in Early Childhood Education.
Have communication and social skills promoting empathy in the pupil's family and other professionals.
Develop a critical understanding and respectful attitude towards psychological difficulties among Early Childhood pupils, in order to normalize differential integral development.
Creatively design strategies for conflict management and resolution in pupils in the Early Childhood Education stage.
Design educational responses tailored to the specific needs of educational support based on the principles of normalization and inclusion.
Know how to organize and plan times and spaces based on diversity and available resources.
Know the validation processes of work instruments for educational intervention with people with specific needs for diverse educational support.
Establish appropriate guidelines for relations with the families of pupils with specific educational support needs.
Know the fundamentals of early care for its application in educational practice.
Recognize the role, functions and tasks of professionals dedicated to educational treatment and intervention.
Recognize creativity and collaboration as valuable instruments in overcoming psychological difficulties, both for teachers and for Early Childhood pupils.
Know the validation processes of work instruments for educational intervention for people with specific diverse educational support needs.
Additional outcomes
Not established.
6. Units / Contents
  • Unit 1: Educational Intervention and Early Attention in Educational Needs in the Early Childhood Education Stage.
  • Unit 2: Psychopedagogical Evaluation in the Educational Treatment of Educational Needs in the Early Childhood Education Stage.
  • Unit 3: Educational Treatment of Educational Needs in the Early Childhood Education Stage.
  • Unit 4: Intervention and Educational Treatment in Psychological Needs associated with behavioral problems in Early Childhood Education.
7. Activities, Units/Modules and Methodology
Training Activity Methodology Related Competences (only degrees before RD 822/2021) ECTS Hours As Com Description
Analysis of articles and reviews [OFF-SITE] Self-study 2.1.II.01. 2.1.II.02. 2.1.II.03. 2.1.II.04. 2.1.II.05. 2.1.II.06. 2.1.II.07. 2.1.II.08. 2.1.II.09. 2.1.II.10. 2.1.II.11. 2.1.II.12. 2.1.II.13. 2.1.II.14. CB05 CG02 CG03 CG04 CG05 CG06 CG09 CG10 CT02 CT04 CT05 CT06 CT07 0.6 15 Y N Readings oriented to the search for information and reflection on it. Personal study.
Writing of reports or projects [OFF-SITE] Problem solving and exercises 2.1.II.01. 2.1.II.02. 2.1.II.03. 2.1.II.04. 2.1.II.05. 2.1.II.06. 2.1.II.07. 2.1.II.08. 2.1.II.09. 2.1.II.10. 2.1.II.11. 2.1.II.12. 2.1.II.13. 2.1.II.14. CB05 CG02 CG03 CG04 CG05 CG06 CG09 CG10 CT02 CT04 CT05 CT06 CT07 0.8 20 Y Y Collaborative work. Realization of group work and oral presentation of the same. It is important to highlight the penalty for plagiarism according to the criteria of the University. It will be recoverable with another test with similar characteristics and students will be informed at the beginning of the semester.
Other off-site activity [OFF-SITE] project-based learning 2.1.II.01. 2.1.II.02. 2.1.II.03. 2.1.II.04. 2.1.II.05. 2.1.II.06. 2.1.II.07. 2.1.II.08. 2.1.II.09. 2.1.II.10. 2.1.II.11. 2.1.II.12. 2.1.II.13. 2.1.II.14. CB05 CG02 CG03 CG04 CG05 CG06 CG09 CG10 CT02 CT04 CT05 CT06 CT07 0.8 20 Y Y Defense of Work by Research Groups. It is important to highlight the penalty for plagiarism according to the criteria of the University. It will be recoverable with another test with similar characteristics and students will be informed at the beginning of the semester.
Writing of reports or projects [OFF-SITE] Case Studies 2.1.II.01. 2.1.II.02. 2.1.II.03. 2.1.II.04. 2.1.II.05. 2.1.II.06. 2.1.II.07. 2.1.II.08. 2.1.II.09. 2.1.II.10. 2.1.II.11. 2.1.II.12. 2.1.II.13. 2.1.II.14. CB05 CG02 CG03 CG04 CG05 CG06 CG09 CG10 CT02 CT04 CT05 CT06 CT07 0.68 17 Y Y Resolution of Cases in Class. It will be recoverable with another test with similar characteristics and students will be informed at the beginning of the semester.
Study and Exam Preparation [OFF-SITE] Assessment tests 2.1.II.01. 2.1.II.02. 2.1.II.03. 2.1.II.04. 2.1.II.05. 2.1.II.06. 2.1.II.07. 2.1.II.08. 2.1.II.09. 2.1.II.10. 2.1.II.11. 2.1.II.12. 2.1.II.13. 2.1.II.14. CB05 CG02 CG03 CG04 CG05 CG06 CG09 CG10 CT02 CT04 CT05 CT06 CT07 0.72 18 N N Study and analysis of evaluation tests.
Class Attendance (theory) [ON-SITE] Combination of methods 2.1.II.01. 2.1.II.02. 2.1.II.03. 2.1.II.04. 2.1.II.05. 2.1.II.06. 2.1.II.07. 2.1.II.08. 2.1.II.09. 2.1.II.10. 2.1.II.11. 2.1.II.12. 2.1.II.13. 2.1.II.14. CB05 CG02 CG03 CG04 CG05 CG06 CG09 CG10 CT02 CT04 CT05 CT06 CT07 2.32 58 Y N Theoretical - practical classes.
Final test [ON-SITE] Self-study 2.1.II.01. 2.1.II.02. 2.1.II.03. 2.1.II.04. 2.1.II.05. 2.1.II.06. 2.1.II.07. 2.1.II.08. 2.1.II.09. 2.1.II.10. 2.1.II.11. 2.1.II.12. 2.1.II.13. 2.1.II.14. CB05 CG02 CG03 CG04 CG05 CG06 CG09 CG10 CT02 CT04 CT05 CT06 CT07 0.08 2 Y Y Evaluation test (exam) on the contents of the subject. To pass the subject, it is essential to obtain a minimum grade of 4 in continuous assessment tests or the final test in order to make an average and pass the subject with a 5 out of 10. Retrievable test in an extraordinary call.
Total: 6 150
Total credits of in-class work: 2.4 Total class time hours: 60
Total credits of out of class work: 3.6 Total hours of out of class work: 90

As: Assessable training activity
Com: Training activity of compulsory overcoming (It will be essential to overcome both continuous and non-continuous assessment).

8. Evaluation criteria and Grading System
Evaluation System Continuous assessment Non-continuous evaluation * Description
Assessment of active participation 20.00% 0.00% The evaluation is obtained with the assessment of the participation in activities and presentations in class.
Final test 50.00% 60.00% Theoretical-practical written test. It is essential, to pass the subject, to obtain a minimum grade 4 in continuous assessment tests or final exam to be able to make an average and pass the subject with a 5 out of 10.
Projects 30.00% 40.00% Educational Research, Analysis and Intervention Project. It is important to highlight the penalty for plagiarism according to the criteria of the University.
Total: 100.00% 100.00%  
According to art. 4 of the UCLM Student Evaluation Regulations, it must be provided to students who cannot regularly attend face-to-face training activities the passing of the subject, having the right (art. 12.2) to be globally graded, in 2 annual calls per subject , an ordinary and an extraordinary one (evaluating 100% of the competences).

Evaluation criteria for the final exam:
  • Continuous assessment:
    Summative evaluation (exam, activities and work). Due to the application of an active methodology focused on the participation of the students, those who for justified reasons cannot regularly attend the classes of the subject must speak with the teaching staff during the hours set aside for tutoring and specify their evaluation, including the theoretical study. of documentation and a proposal of activities that allow the development of the competences included in the guide. It will be necessary on a regular basis to participate in tutorials (face-to-face and/or virtual) to coordinate and monitor the evaluation activities from the beginning of the course. It is essential, to pass the subject, to obtain a minimum grade 4 in continuous assessment tests or final exam to be able to make an average and pass the subject with a 5 out of 10.
  • Non-continuous evaluation:
    Summative evaluation (exam and work). Due to the application of an active methodology focused on the participation of the students, those who for justified reasons cannot regularly attend the classes of the subject must speak with the teaching staff during the hours set aside for tutoring and specify their evaluation, including the theoretical study. of documentation and a work proposal that allow the development of the competences included in the guide. It will be necessary to attend tutorials (face-to-face and/or virtual) on a regular basis to coordinate and monitor the evaluation activities from the beginning of the course. It is essential, to pass the subject, to obtain a minimum grade of 4 in evaluable tests and the final test to be able to make an average and pass the subject with a 5 out of 10.

Specifications for the resit/retake exam:
Summative evaluation (exam, activities and work). Due to the application of an active methodology focused on the participation of the students, those who for justified reasons cannot regularly attend the classes of the subject must speak with the teaching staff during the hours set aside for tutoring and specify their evaluation, including the theoretical study. of documentation and a proposal of activities that allow the development of the competences included in the guide. It will be necessary to attend face-to-face tutorials on a regular basis to coordinate and monitor the evaluation activities from the beginning of the course. It is essential, to pass the subject, to obtain a minimum grade 4 in continuous assessment tests or final exam to be able to make an average and pass the subject with a 5 out of 10.
Specifications for the second resit / retake exam:
Summative evaluation (exam, activities and work). Students who opt for this call will have to contact the teaching staff to plan their evaluation.
9. Assignments, course calendar and important dates
Not related to the syllabus/contents
Hours hours

Unit 1 (de 4): Educational Intervention and Early Attention in Educational Needs in the Early Childhood Education Stage.
Activities Hours
Analysis of articles and reviews [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 3.75
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Problem solving and exercises] 5
Other off-site activity [AUTÓNOMA][project-based learning] 5
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Case Studies] 3.75
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Assessment tests] 4.5
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Combination of methods] 15
Final test [PRESENCIAL][Self-study] .5
Group 24:
Initial date: 02-11-2022 End date: 25-11-2022
Group 25:
Initial date: 02-11-2022 End date: 25-11-2022
Comment: Activities will be developed on articles, reports and works on the theme of the subject.

Unit 2 (de 4): Psychopedagogical Evaluation in the Educational Treatment of Educational Needs in the Early Childhood Education Stage.
Activities Hours
Analysis of articles and reviews [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 3.75
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Problem solving and exercises] 5
Other off-site activity [AUTÓNOMA][project-based learning] 5
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Case Studies] 3.75
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Assessment tests] 4.5
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Combination of methods] 15
Final test [PRESENCIAL][Self-study] .5
Group 24:
Initial date: 02-11-2022 End date: 25-11-2022
Group 25:
Initial date: 02-11-2022 End date: 25-11-2022
Comment: Activities will be developed on articles, reports and works on the theme of the subject.

Unit 3 (de 4): Educational Treatment of Educational Needs in the Early Childhood Education Stage.
Activities Hours
Analysis of articles and reviews [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 3.75
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Problem solving and exercises] 5
Other off-site activity [AUTÓNOMA][project-based learning] 5
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Case Studies] 3.75
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Assessment tests] 4.5
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Combination of methods] 15
Final test [PRESENCIAL][Self-study] .5
Group 24:
Initial date: 28-11-2022 End date: 22-12-2022
Group 25:
Initial date: 28-11-2022 End date: 22-12-2022
Comment: Activities will be developed on articles, reports and works on the theme of the subject.

Unit 4 (de 4): Intervention and Educational Treatment in Psychological Needs associated with behavioral problems in Early Childhood Education.
Activities Hours
Analysis of articles and reviews [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 3.75
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Problem solving and exercises] 5
Other off-site activity [AUTÓNOMA][project-based learning] 5
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Case Studies] 3.75
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Assessment tests] 4.5
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Combination of methods] 15
Final test [PRESENCIAL][Self-study] .5
Group 24:
Initial date: 28-11-2022 End date: 22-12-2022
Group 25:
Initial date: 28-11-2022 End date: 22-12-2022
Comment: Activities will be developed on articles, reports and works on the theme of the subject.

Global activity
Activities hours
General comments about the planning: Activities will be developed on articles, reports and works on the theme of the subject.
10. Bibliography and Sources
Author(s) Title Book/Journal Citv Publishing house ISBN Year Description Link Catálogo biblioteca
Castejón, J.L. y Navas Martínez, L. Dificultades y trastornos del aprendizaje y del desarrollo e Club Universitario 978-84-9948-437-2 2011 Ficha de la biblioteca
Echeita Sarrionandia, Gerardo Educación para la inclusión o educación sin exclusiones Narcea 978-84-277-1500-4 2007 Ficha de la biblioteca
Garrido Landívar, Jesús Cómo elaborar adaptaciones curriculares: de centro, de aula Ciencias de la Educación Preescolar y Especial 978-84-7869-327-6 2006 Ficha de la biblioteca
Gobierno de Castilla La Mancha Guía de recursos de Atención Temprana de Castilla-La Mancha APATCAM 84-688-4401-2 2003 Ficha de la biblioteca
Grau Rubio, Claudia Educación especial :orientaciones prácticas Aljibe 84-9700-232-6 2005 Ficha de la biblioteca
Méndez Zaballos, Laura Adaptaciones curriculares: en educación infantil Narcea 978-84-277-1275-1 2006 Ficha de la biblioteca
Palomares Ruiz, Ascensión Educación especial y atención a la diversidad L. Universidad 84-95006-04-9 1998 Ficha de la biblioteca
Palomares Ruiz, Ascensión La educación especial: teoría y práctica L. Universidad 84-921490-51 1997 Ficha de la biblioteca
Palomares Ruíz, A. (Coord.) Investigación y respuestas socioeducativas del profesorado e Investigación y respuestas socioeducativas del profesorado en el Siglo XXI. Síntesis 978-84-1357-023-5 2020 Ficha de la biblioteca
Paula Pérez, Isabel Educación especial: técnicas de intervención McGraw Hill 84-481-3755-8 2003 Ficha de la biblioteca
Perpiñán Guerras, Sonsoles Atención temprana y familia: cómo intervenir creando entor Narcea, 978-84-277-1639-1 2014 Ficha de la biblioteca
Puigdellívol, Ignasi La educación especial en la escuela integrada: una perspecti Graó 84-7827-182-1 2005 Ficha de la biblioteca
Rojas del Álamo, Pedro Bases pedagógicas de la educación especial :profesionales y Grupo Editorial Universitario 84-8491-453-4 2005 Ficha de la biblioteca
Silva Salinas, Sonia Atención a la diversidad: necesidades educativas: guía de ac IdeasPropias 84-96578-02-X 2005 Ficha de la biblioteca
Sola Martínez, Tomás La educación especial en su enmarque didáctico y organizativ Grupo editorial universitario 978-84-8491-840-0 2009 Ficha de la biblioteca
Vidal Lucena, Margarita Atención temprana: guía práctica para la estimulación del ni Ciencias de la Educación Preescolar y Especial 978-84-7869-028-2 2008 Ficha de la biblioteca

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