Guías Docentes Electrónicas
1. General information
ECTS credits:
Academic year:
40  41 
Main language:
Second language:
Use of additional languages:
English Friendly:
Web site:
Lecturer: CRISTINA POZO BARDERA - Group(s): 41 
Phone number
Office hours
Edif 37

Lecturer: NATALIA SOLANO PINTO - Group(s): 40 
Phone number
Office hours
1.34 (Edif. Sabatini)

2. Pre-Requisites
Not established
3. Justification in the curriculum, relation to other subjects and to the profession
Not established
4. Degree competences achieved in this course
Course competences
Code Description
CB02 Apply their knowledge to their job or vocation in a professional manner and show that they have the competences to construct and justify arguments and solve problems within their subject area.
CB03 Be able to gather and process relevant information (usually within their subject area) to give opinions, including reflections on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
CB05 Have developed the necessary learning abilities to carry on studying autonomously
CG02 Reflect on classroom practice to allow innovation and improvement of the teaching practice. Acquire habits and skills for autonomous and cooperative learning and promote it among pupils.
CG04 Understand the role, possibilities and limits of education in today¿s society as well as the key competences affecting Primary Education schools and professionals. Understand the benefits of application of quality improvement plans in educational centres.
CG08 Design, plan and evaluate teaching and learning processes, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers and professionals in the centre.
CG10 Design and arrange learning spaces, with consideration of diversity and gender equality, equity and respect for human rights, which constitute the values of citizenship.
CG11 Promote coexistence inside and outside the classroom, solve discipline problems and contribute to the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Boost and value pupils' effort, determination and self-discipline.
CT02 Master information and communication technology (ICT).
CT03 Correct oral and written communication.
CT04 Moral obligation and professional ethics.
5. Objectives or Learning Outcomes
Course learning outcomes
Design and implement strategies or tasks that promote the overall development of 6-to-12-year-old pupils, with emphasis on cognitive and socio-emotional abilities.
Distinguish and analyse the various scientific methodologies applied to education.
Know, distinguish and critically reflect on the theoretical explanations of human development.
Reflect and critically analyse the possible theoretical explanations of human development.
Be able to solve conflicts through mediation inside and outside the classroom in collaboration with the teaching staff, educational psychology services and family.
Identify the characteristics of 6-to-12-year-old pupils, as well as those of their contexts and their relationship.
Be able to have positive and integrative attitudes to pupils with different personal, social and multicultural experiences.
Know and identify the psychological, pedagogical and social foundations that build human development, the teaching-learning process, and the influence of context, and be able to apply that knowledge in the classroom.
Additional outcomes
Not established.
6. Units / Contents
  • Unit 1:
  • Unit 2:
  • Unit 3:
  • Unit 4:
  • Unit 5:
  • Unit 6:
7. Activities, Units/Modules and Methodology
Training Activity Methodology Related Competences (only degrees before RD 822/2021) ECTS Hours As Com Description
Class Attendance (theory) [ON-SITE] Lectures CB02 CB03 CB05 CG02 CG04 CG05 CG08 CG10 CT04 2.2 55 Y N
Problem solving and/or case studies [ON-SITE] Group Work 1.16 29 Y Y
Analysis of articles and reviews [OFF-SITE] Reading and Analysis of Reviews and Articles CB03 CG08 CG10 CT02 CT04 0.72 18 Y Y
Writing of reports or projects [OFF-SITE] Group Work 2.08 52 Y Y
Group tutoring sessions [ON-SITE] Group tutoring sessions CG04 CG05 CG08 CT02 CT03 CT04 0.08 2 Y N
Study and Exam Preparation [OFF-SITE] Self-study CB02 CB03 CG08 CG10 CT02 CT03 2.6 65 Y Y
Final test [ON-SITE] CB02 CB03 CG08 CT03 CT04 0.16 4 Y Y
Total: 9 225
Total credits of in-class work: 3.6 Total class time hours: 90
Total credits of out of class work: 5.4 Total hours of out of class work: 135

As: Assessable training activity
Com: Training activity of compulsory overcoming (It will be essential to overcome both continuous and non-continuous assessment).

8. Evaluation criteria and Grading System
Evaluation System Continuous assessment Non-continuous evaluation * Description
Oral presentations assessment 40.00% 40.00%
Assessment of problem solving and/or case studies 10.00% 10.00%
Final test 50.00% 50.00%
Total: 100.00% 100.00%  
According to art. 4 of the UCLM Student Evaluation Regulations, it must be provided to students who cannot regularly attend face-to-face training activities the passing of the subject, having the right (art. 12.2) to be globally graded, in 2 annual calls per subject , an ordinary and an extraordinary one (evaluating 100% of the competences).

Evaluation criteria for the final exam:
  • Continuous assessment:
    Evaluation criteria not defined
  • Non-continuous evaluation:
    Evaluation criteria not defined

Specifications for the resit/retake exam:
Evaluation criteria not defined
Specifications for the second resit / retake exam:
Evaluation criteria not defined
9. Assignments, course calendar and important dates
Not related to the syllabus/contents
Hours hours

Unit 1 (de 6):
Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 4
Problem solving and/or case studies [PRESENCIAL][Group Work] 2
Analysis of articles and reviews [AUTÓNOMA][Reading and Analysis of Reviews and Articles] 3
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Group Work] 4
Group tutoring sessions [PRESENCIAL][Group tutoring sessions] 2
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 10
Group 40:
Initial date: 21-09-2020 End date: 13-10-2020
Group 41:
Initial date: 21-09-2020 End date: 13-10-2020

Unit 2 (de 6):
Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 5
Problem solving and/or case studies [PRESENCIAL][Group Work] 2
Analysis of articles and reviews [AUTÓNOMA][Reading and Analysis of Reviews and Articles] 3
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Group Work] 5
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 10
Group 40:
Initial date: 14-10-2020 End date: 21-12-2020
Group 41:
Initial date: 14-10-2020 End date: 21-12-2020

Unit 3 (de 6):
Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 4
Problem solving and/or case studies [PRESENCIAL][Group Work] 2
Analysis of articles and reviews [AUTÓNOMA][Reading and Analysis of Reviews and Articles] 3
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Group Work] 5
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 6
Group 40:
Initial date: 01-02-2021 End date: 16-02-2021
Group 41:
Initial date: 01-02-2021 End date: 16-02-2021

Unit 4 (de 6):
Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 15
Problem solving and/or case studies [PRESENCIAL][Group Work] 4
Analysis of articles and reviews [AUTÓNOMA][Reading and Analysis of Reviews and Articles] 3
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Group Work] 2
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 7
Group 40:
Initial date: 17-02-2021 End date: 16-03-2021
Group 41:
Initial date: 17-02-2021 End date: 16-03-2021

Unit 5 (de 6):
Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 20
Problem solving and/or case studies [PRESENCIAL][Group Work] 9
Analysis of articles and reviews [AUTÓNOMA][Reading and Analysis of Reviews and Articles] 3
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Group Work] 6
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 10
Group 40:
Initial date: 17-03-2020 End date: 30-04-2020
Group 41:
Initial date: 17-03-2020 End date: 30-04-2020

Unit 6 (de 6):
Activities Hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 12
Problem solving and/or case studies [PRESENCIAL][Group Work] 10
Analysis of articles and reviews [AUTÓNOMA][Reading and Analysis of Reviews and Articles] 3
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Group Work] 5
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 22
Group 40:
Initial date: 01/05/2020 End date: 13/05/2020
Group 41:
Initial date: 01/05/2020 End date: 13/05/2020

Global activity
Activities hours
Class Attendance (theory) [PRESENCIAL][Lectures] 60
Problem solving and/or case studies [PRESENCIAL][Group Work] 29
Analysis of articles and reviews [AUTÓNOMA][Reading and Analysis of Reviews and Articles] 18
Writing of reports or projects [AUTÓNOMA][Group Work] 27
Group tutoring sessions [PRESENCIAL][Group tutoring sessions] 2
Study and Exam Preparation [AUTÓNOMA][Self-study] 65
Total horas: 201
10. Bibliography and Sources
Author(s) Title Book/Journal Citv Publishing house ISBN Year Description Link Catálogo biblioteca
Recursos Bibliografía específica para la realización de trabajos y prácticas  
Neurociencia educativa: mente, cerebro y educación Narcea 9788427720367 2014  
Recursos Medios audiovisuales  
Recursos Documentos en Moodle propuestos por el profesorado  
Astington, J. El descubrimiento infantil de la mente. Madrid Morata 1997  
Berazaluce, E y Diego, E A qué tienen miedo los niños Síntesis 978849756120 2014  
Berger, K.S. Psicología del Desarrollo: Infancia y Adolescencia. Madrid Panamericana 13:978-84-9835-0524 2007  
Berger, K.S. Psicología del desarrollo: infancia y adolescencia Madrid Panamericana 9788498357806 2015  
DeMause, L. Evolución de la Infancia. Madrid Alianza 1982  
Delgado Ejido, S. Psicología del desarrollo. Desde la infancia a la vejez (Volumen II). Madrid Mc Graw Hill 978-84-481-6871-1 2008 Ficha de la biblioteca
Delval, J. Descubrir el pensamiento de los niños. Introducción a la práctica del método clínico. . Barcelona Paidós 2001  
Delval, J. El desarrollo humano. Madrid Siglo XXI. 2001  
Delval, J. El mono inmaduro Madrid Catarata 2011  
Enesco, I. Psicología del Desarrollo Enciclopedia Micronet. http/  
Enesco, I. (Coord) El desarrollo del bebé. Cognición, emoción y afectividad. Madrid Alianza 2003  
Giménez, M.y Mariscal, S. Psicología del Desarrollo. Desde el nacimiento a la primera infancia (Volumen I). Madrid Mc Graw Hill. 978-84-481-6870-4 2008  
Goodnow, J. El dibujo infantil. Madrid Morata 1983  
Muñoz Tinoco, V. Manual de psicología del desarrollo aplicada a la educación Madrid Pirámide 9788420686844 2014  
Palacios, J., Marchesi, A. y Coll, C. Desarrollo psicológico y educación I. Psicología evolutiva Madrid Alianza. Psicología 84-206-6530-4 1993  
Paniagua, G. y Palacios, J. Educación Infantil. Respuesta educativa a la diversidad Madrid Alianza editorial 2005  
Santrock, J.W. Psicología del Desarrollo: El Ciclo Vital. Madrid McGraw-Hill. 84-481-3794-9 2006 Ficha de la biblioteca
Siegel, D.J. El cerebro del niño Alba 9788484287148 2016  
Sierra, P. y Brioso, A. Psicología del desarrollo. Madrid Sanz y Torres 2006  
Slater, A. y Bremner, G. An introduction to Developmental Psychology (Second edition). Glasgow BPS Blackwell BPS Textbooks 2011  
Vasta, R., Haith, M. y Miller, S.A. Psicología infantil Barcelona Ariel 2001  

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